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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » The world is smaller now due to improved communication. Sadly people are smaller too. Less empathetic/sympathetic/caring. Why?

The world is smaller now due to improved communication. Sadly people are smaller too. Less empathetic/sympathetic/caring. Why?

Nationalism. Isolationism. Me me me.  What is my best interests? Put America first. Screw the rest of the world. Sad.

Posted - November 15, 2016


  • People are less able to respond to the needs of others when they themselves are in need.
    When times become stressful, it brings out the best in some and the worst in many.

    If someone seems uncaring, ask them how they are feeling or what is going on in their lives. Listen actively. When they feel fully heard and understood, they will usually be more able to respond in kind.
      November 15, 2016 4:16 AM MST

  • 113301
    It isn't "someone" hartfire. It is all the racists/bigots/hatemongers/misogynist/Anti-semitic people worldwide. I cannot possibly address them all individually. With the election of Trump some of them have become emboldened and there has been a rise in hate crimes in the US. I don't know if that is true worldwide. But when  PET brings into his cabinet someone like Steve Bannon as his Chief Counsel and places him at the same level as his Chief of Staff with the same power/influence that is not a good message to send. Steve Bannon headed  Bretibart news. He has said Breitbart is a refuge for ALT RIGHT WHITE nationalists. That is code for racists/bigots/etcetera and so forth. With the Trump victory comes more ugly by more people like him who all think he has their backs. I believe he does. Sadly. Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 15, 2016 5:13 AM MST