President Obama wants to help Trump---all for the sake of the country. But, where do you start when Trump knows nothing about politics or foreign policy? His talent comes from leading people, apparently. He, already is surrounding himself with a Tra Party member and a White Nationalist as his chief advisors. Besides, Trumps seems nice and is willing to listen to Obama.
I listen to NPR. All they talk about is the business part of the job. It's about the money. I listen to the Diane Rehm Show, but Susan Day, from USA Today is substituting for her. USA Today lends to the conservatives. It's obvious.
However, Trump will find out, like Obama did, that "you can't always have what you want".
Why would Trump want Obama to stick around, any more than Obama would want to. That's quite a stretch for a question. Do you really see any productive help in that? Show me the restroom, now you can get your a** out of here, would be more like it.
Can you say "dog and pony show"