Discussion » Questions » Politics » You know if Romney had ANY brains he would have ran this time. He knew what to do to beat Trump. Just not BE Trump.

You know if Romney had ANY brains he would have ran this time. He knew what to do to beat Trump. Just not BE Trump.

Why didn't he seize this golden opportunity? Because he is a Republican and they just cannot think or strategize in any logical manner.  That is why.

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Posted - November 17, 2016


  • 500
    Hilary would still lose.
      November 17, 2016 12:01 PM MST

  • 46117
    Hillary never lost to begin with.  She won.

    You know it and I know it.

    We all lost.  We all lost big time and you are too blind to see it yet.   But you will.  Even you will.
      November 17, 2016 12:13 PM MST

  • 500
    She is not moving into the White House.

    The Constitution prevents a few high population states from controlling the Federal government. That is what happened in this election.
    If popular vote was used on the federal scale a few states would control the nation. That is fine if it is your party but if the shoe was on the other foot you would be calling for the electorial college to make things fair.
      November 17, 2016 1:01 PM MST

  • 46117
    She's NOT? 

    I need a site for that. 
      November 17, 2016 1:02 PM MST

  • 500
    Read the US Constitution.
      November 17, 2016 1:38 PM MST

  • 2327
    Donald would beat Romney. And he would have moved on him heavily, and beaten him bigly. 
      November 17, 2016 12:24 PM MST

  • 46117
    According to what statistics?  According to what proof? 

    No he wouldn't.  Isn't that the type of answer this begs for?

    No no. Nah nah nah.

    Trump the insane pig won because there was no one else to even try to choose from in that group of losers the Republicans proffered up.

    Now Romney?  He was a big joke when he ran.  But now?  Compared to THIS joke and the Ben Carsons and the Rand Pauls and the sea of idiots that were the "choices"?  He had an easy path to his party's nomination.

    No one ever thought Trump would even be noticed, just laughed at. But the rest of these bums were bigger jokes.  That is all it amounts to.
      November 17, 2016 12:28 PM MST

  • 2327
    Nah. Republican voters LOVE trump. Trump is the champ. He would have champed Romney, and beaten him bigly. 

      November 17, 2016 12:39 PM MST

  • 46117
    I'm so sorry for you.  I see you are incapable of helping your behavior.  Sure. Whatever. GO CHAMP. 
      November 17, 2016 12:40 PM MST

  • 2327
    Well I'm so sorry for you, too, Sharon. The champ Trump beat princess Hilary very bigly, and he's going to be your champ for the next 4 years whether you like it or not. There's nothing you can do about it. 

    Can I get a let's go champ? 

      November 17, 2016 12:46 PM MST

  • 46117
    Hillary won the popular vote.

    He did not win ANYTHING BIGLY or even closely.  You know what that tells me?  It tells me a LOT of people loathe him.

    It also tells me there are a lot of idiots out there that do not know what they are doing.  That is all it tells me. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 17, 2016 12:48 PM MST
      November 17, 2016 12:48 PM MST

  • 13277
    But he did win fair and square, and that's why he's our next president. Time to accept reality and move on.
      November 17, 2016 8:37 PM MST

  • 3934
    Re: "Can I get a let's go champ?"

      November 17, 2016 12:55 PM MST

  • 46117
    I think the Champ has been dropped on his noggin too many times.  I already gave him a LET'S GO so hopefully he will.  I hear Trump is paying HUOOOGE for ranting cheerleaders.   Fifty bucks a pop for actors to fill in his seats at venues.  Imagine what Righty could make shouting this all day and night until his voice box sounds exactly like Trumps.  That braying mess of hot air filling the void where smart once took occupancy. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 17, 2016 1:05 PM MST
      November 17, 2016 12:58 PM MST

  • 34613
    Let's go champ!
      November 17, 2016 7:02 PM MST

  • 2327
    Discussing politics here is like beating a dead horse. Especially with Trump haters. If Sharonna disagrees with someone, she tells them they're wrong because she says they are, and spews insults, too. The truth is, is that even if he ends up doing a great job, you're still going to deny it and hate on him because you've already made up your mind to be that way.  
      November 17, 2016 3:08 PM MST

  • 46117
    You could not be more wrong.  Honestly, if he does half of a good job I will be so relieved.  From the BOTTOM of my heart.  I just KNOW that is like saying if Hitler does a good job. 

    It has nothing to do with you.  You are a kind person.  This is purely regarding this question.  I do this to everyone.  I am trying to portray a FEELING.  Just like you cheer, I am angry and hoping to make some points.  When they go the way of TRUMP IS GOOD GO CHAMP?  That can be totally infuriating because it shows me you have no idea what I am angry ABOUT.  You are like an innocent child and I am throwing reality in your eyes.

    That is horrible to do to a child. However, Righty, you are NO child anymore. 

    So, I am sorry if you dislike my words.  They are designed for a specific effect and as long as I can see where I am going with that effect, I will keep it in play.

    Nothing personal at all.  I like a lot of what you say.  But this?  No one gets past my door with liking Trump without hearing what I think about it.  Say what you want, I am gonna answer you with what I think when you do that.

    You are always welcome. 
      November 17, 2016 3:18 PM MST

  • 1713
    Or maybe he just didn't want to?
    You don't have to insult him (and Republicans), stop making assumptions.
      November 17, 2016 6:48 PM MST

  • 34613
    Romney wanted to run. But the establishment (donor class) did not want him and let him know it. Their choice was Jeb Bush.  But Trump came in and crushed their plans bigly. 
      November 17, 2016 7:01 PM MST

  • 13277
    Sorry Sharonna, but given that the election is over, Mr. Trump won fair and square and is our next president, you've asked a pointless question. That you don't like him or the outcome doesn't affect that reality.

    Hillary winning the popular vote doesn't make her the winner any more than it made Al Gore the winner in 2000. I'm actually kind of surprised at your reaction given that I think of and respect you as an adult, but adults are accepting the reality of the election and moving on with life.
      November 17, 2016 8:34 PM MST

  • 53559
    ( . . . he would have run . . . )

    Past participle.  Ten demerits, and report immediately to my Detention Room.

      November 17, 2016 10:51 PM MST