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What kind of bullsh** is it when someone settles a lawsuit by paying millions without admitting guilt/liability?

Why would anyone pay diddily if he/she is innocent of all charges/liability? Of course they're guilty as he ** and liable and not admitting it changes nothing. But it is annoying. What is the legality here? If you admit guilt what happens? If you refuse to admit guilt what happens? Why the lie? Whom does it benefit? It fools no one. Just another phony device used to pretend/fake/lie.

Posted - November 19, 2016


  • 35005
    A normal lawsuit settlement.  That is how they do it. Personally I would not pay. But we have paid (our insurance company did) A lady trespassed on our property and our dog bit her. Now according to the dog bite laws in my state because she was trespassing, we had no liability. But the insurance settled rather than going to court. They got like $15,000. We admitted no guilt. Again without the insurance company, we would have fought and took it to court. 

    You gonna apply all that to Clinton who paid millions to his accuser? This post was edited by my2cents at November 19, 2016 6:40 AM MST
      November 19, 2016 5:23 AM MST

  • 46117
    Why would anyone pay diddily if he/she is innocent of all charges/liability? 
    If I could get out of going to court, I would pay if I could.  Innocence is randomly agreed upon in a Court situation even if you ARE innocent.  You are rolling the die.

    Of course they're guilty as he ** and liable and not admitting it changes nothing.  
    No.  Not OF COURSE.  For the above-mentioned reason. 

    But it is annoying. What is the legality here? 
    It is annoying to have to pay lots of money too. 

    If you admit guilt what happens?  
    Your reputation is tarnished for good and you may go to jail and get a huge fine

    If you refuse to admit guilt what happens?  
    It may be the smartest choice for you.

    Why the lie? Whom does it benefit?  
    I would THINK it is patently obvious who it benefits. 
    The person being charged with the crime. 

    It fools no one. Just another phony device used to pretend/fake/lie.    If you are talking about a certain situation, it helps a lot if you add that instead of this stream of consciousness babbling you are doing. 

    Otherwise you sound like some disgruntled, judgmental person who knows nothing about how a Courtroom operates.  They are not your friend and most people will do anything to avoid putting their fate  in the hands of the LAW and a COURT. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 19, 2016 8:07 PM MST
      November 19, 2016 5:33 AM MST

  • 11534
    Someone who does not want publicity about the lawsuit to continue and detract from his agenda. This is NOT a comment on anyone's guilt or innocence.
      November 19, 2016 5:53 AM MST

  • 46117
    Woudn't you just love a person like this in the jury room?  OH he's going to trial.  Must mean he is innocent then.  LOL  I am just going off her idea that if you pay ahead of time you are guilty.  GUILTY.   So, maybe if you go to trial that means the opposite?  Rosie's take is the reason people do pay and don't want due process or a trial because of people who are judgmental for reasons that make zero sense.  This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 19, 2016 6:40 AM MST
      November 19, 2016 6:24 AM MST

  • 2465
    Hi Rosie, I asked the same question not that long ago and I didn't get an answer that I fully understood.  I used Michael Jackson as an example.  He paid out millions to those parents that seemed to come out of the woodwork trying to make it rich off him.  It's nothing more than extortion.   I'm tellin' you, if it had been me, there's no way on God's green earth I would shell out any money to someone filing a frivolous lawsuit.  To me, it would be like saying yes I'm guilty but I have the money to make you go away.  No effin' way I would do that.
      November 19, 2016 6:48 PM MST

  • 3934
    That is how the Rich and Powerful settle their disputes in our society.

    We have a notion the Law and the Court System are there to dispense justice in our society. They are not. They are there to preserve order and settle disputes. Sometimes a little justice is served along the way, and there is an argument to be made no one has devised a better system yet, but justice is a side effect, not a primary work product. Settling of disputes so people can get on with their lives is the work product.

      November 19, 2016 6:54 PM MST