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White Nationalists met in Washington DC yesterday. Did Trump tweet about THEM??? Nahhh. He was still tweeting about the Hamilton cast.


I fear for my country.


Posted - November 21, 2016


  • 3934
    Well, the man has his priorities.

    Remember when he was tweeting at 3 a.m. telling people to look for the sex tape?...;-D...
      November 21, 2016 8:58 PM MST

  • 1713
    Maybe he's just jealous because he's too busy to get to watch Hamilton.
      November 21, 2016 9:02 PM MST

  • Pence went to Hamilton, not the meeting in the video. So that's something.
      November 21, 2016 9:05 PM MST

  • 3907
    Hello Mr:

    Well then, maybe this meeting, a few blocks from the White House, got BY Trump..  But, I KNOW about it..  You know about it.  Probably OTHERS know about it, too.  But, not Trump, huh?  Still NO tweet..

    You know what that tells me?  It tells me that he LIKES white supremacists, and doesn't like uppity black actors. 

      November 21, 2016 9:16 PM MST

  • 1233
    What the hell would he tweet about that for? It's not relevant to anything.

    The communist party endorsed Hillary. She didn't disavow them. I guess that proves that she likes communists.

    Come on.... Extremism is always present on both sides. It means nothing and should be ignored.

    Trump has never done ANYTHING that indicates any sympathy for white nationalism. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 22, 2016 5:44 AM MST
      November 22, 2016 5:41 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, S:

    If Trump has time to denounce the NY Times, Saturday Night Live, and the cast of Hamilton, you'd think he'd have time to denounce home grown Nazi's. 

    No, huh?

    excon This post was edited by excon at November 22, 2016 7:33 AM MST
      November 22, 2016 7:33 AM MST

  • 1233
    No. We see what you're trying to do and it's not going to work. All the left ever does is try to fabricate negative associations so the right spends all its time and energy on the back foot, being defensive. 

    Just managing to have the media use the phrase "white nationalist" and Donald Trump in the same sentence, is a massive victory for the left. We're not falling for it. Just give it up.

    We're going to focus all our energy positively into promoting our vision and taking western civilization back.
      November 22, 2016 8:40 AM MST

  • I honestly don't really believe that Trump himself is a racist or white nationalist, but racists and white nationalists seem to think he is one of them, and it's scary that they may gain power under his presidency. As someone who is biracial, all I can say is: fuck white nationalism/supremacy. My family's been in this country for over five generations; don't you dare tell me I don't belong here because I'm not fully white. 

    These assholes are also going to be disappointed in Trump and Pence's support for Israel, though. American conservatives are often very pro-Israel. 
      November 21, 2016 9:30 PM MST

  • Actually the group in that video often "support" Israel. They argue Israel is an acceptable example of a country built upon race or what they call an "ethnostate".
      November 21, 2016 9:37 PM MST

  • Ah yes, if the Jews remain in their own state that probably satisfies nationalists.
      November 22, 2016 9:02 AM MST

  • 13277
    Those who might dare to say that you don't belong here have the right to say it, but they're a small minority and are unlikely to do anything about it.
      November 21, 2016 11:59 PM MST

  • Didn't say they didn't have a right to say it but I will not sit there and take it should it come my way (as I have a right to speak against it as well). Additionally, while they may remain a small minority, for the first time in a while they believe they have people in the government who support them (Bannon more so than Trump). That doesn't mean they actually do, but it gives them confidence. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 22, 2016 9:03 AM MST
      November 22, 2016 9:00 AM MST

  • 13277
    But what I was saying is that nothing is likely to come your way, as you put it. If it's never happened before, why would it suddenly start now? You may be overreacting.
      November 22, 2016 10:16 AM MST

  • I may be, I hope I am. But like I said, these people feel differently about this presidency than they have about others. I can only hope that white supremacists and their ilk do not feel more emboldened now, but some certainly do.

    I know they're small in number, I know they're a minority, but that doesn't mean they can't still carry out attacks or get people who support them in positions of power. That's the kind of thing I'm concerned about.  This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 22, 2016 10:58 AM MST
      November 22, 2016 10:20 AM MST

  • 1233
    They don't believe that Trump is one of them, because he obviously isn't.

    Trump was even praised by Jesse Jackson for giving black people opportunities a few years back.

    The far right support whichever candidate is the least leftist. The far left support which ever candidate is the least capitalist. Do you find it scary that the communist party endorsed Hillary? All of this is a non issue... This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 22, 2016 8:22 AM MST
      November 22, 2016 6:52 AM MST

  • No, but thats because communism doesn't threaten me as much as white supremacy does. And no, Trump is not a white supremacist, but in appointing someone like Bannon, this presidency is uniquely set apart from other conservative presidencies. We shall hopefully discover it is all a bunch of noise, however.
      November 22, 2016 9:02 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, T:

    That stuff is right wing drivel, and personal opinion.  It has NO basis in real life.  OS would say that you could have shortened all that by saying DE STOOPID LIBRALS IS STOOPID AND EBIL, AMIRITE?? 

    You said you post so you can understand people like me.  But, I don't think you wanna UNDERSTAND.  I think you wanna cast aspersions, cause that's what you DO. 

    But, for the moment, I'll take you at your word that you wanna UNDERSTAND people like me..

    I WAS a Democrat, but they moved to the right of me when they sat back and let Reagan DISBAND the Aircraft Controllers union.  I'm a staunch capitalist.  I employ LOTS of people.  I'm a veteran of the Vietnam war where I left some blood on the ground FIGHTING communists.  My ship blockaded Cuba so the communists couldn't plant their missiles there.  I did all that to protect YOUR freedom to call me names.. 

    Your suggestion that my politics resembles communism is highly repugnant.  So, the next time your right wing rag mentions leftists and communists in the same sentence, you might think of me.

    This post was edited by excon at November 22, 2016 9:13 AM MST
      November 22, 2016 9:08 AM MST

  • 1233
    I don't think your politics resembles communism. I think it leads to communism or at least something close to it.

    I'm sure you are well intentioned and believe in capitalism. Though you are voting for things that in the long term will destroy free markets and ruin western civilization. All your hard work and sacrifice will be for nothing.

    The political center is a myth. We are sliding to towards a debt crisis meltdown. After that society is going to swing left or swing right as we are forced to move to a sustainable economic system. You have to choose sides.

    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 22, 2016 12:42 PM MST
      November 22, 2016 12:41 PM MST

  • 3934
    SmuglyDunningKruger's random poo-throwing-against-the-wall translated:


      November 22, 2016 12:51 PM MST