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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » A con is only as good as the number of people it takes in and whether the con artist gets away with the scam. Right?

A con is only as good as the number of people it takes in and whether the con artist gets away with the scam. Right?

Having taken in millions upon millions of Americans who voted for him wouldja say Donald J. Trump is the greatest, most successful con artist in the world who ever lived? Who done better than him? Can't think of anyone can you?

Posted - November 23, 2016


  • 53665
    Yes: the con woman who garnered more popular votes than he did, Hillary Rodham Clinton. You have heard of her, have you not?

      November 23, 2016 5:51 AM MST

  • Ha Ha!!  Trump can't hold a candle to the con job the main stream media did on the liberals and Democrats!   Holy S#*t did they pull one over their eyes.   For the last 18 months all they did was bash Trump and they were so desperate to help Hillary win they told their faithful that Trump didn't stand a chance and Hillary was 99.999% certain to win the Presidency.   So guess what happened??  Millions of voters stayed home especially the democratic voters and ta da Hillary lost!   This election will go down as the biggest con job EVER.  
      November 23, 2016 8:03 AM MST