Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » For years I have had two recurring dreams...different locations the underlying themes were the same. What causes recurring theme dreams?

For years I have had two recurring dreams...different locations the underlying themes were the same. What causes recurring theme dreams?

If so are they more like nightmares and when you awake you're extremely thankful "it was only a dream"? 

Posted - November 25, 2016


  • My dreams are very vivid and seem to be somewhat hostile with loved ones. Although the dreams may be different, there seems to be a common thread. They are mostly from a very distant past, seldom recent. I struggle as to where this is coming from. I am most often glad to wake, realizing a feeling of great relief. 

    Not an answer, but sharing a thought, that I can most definitely relate to. 

      November 25, 2016 3:02 AM MST

  • 113301
    It is definitely an answer m'dear. A recurring theme though the particulars vary. Something is triggering them. I have two recurring dreams which I outlined in my reply to CallMeIshmael. I have had those two "dreams" for many decades. He said PTSD can cause recurring dreams. I just wonder where or why I would have gotten PTSD if in fact that's what it is. I am always so thankful to wake up and find it was "the dream" again so I can certainly relate with you about that. Maybe one day we can figure it out!  Thank you for your reply  Reks and Happy Saturday to you! :)
      November 26, 2016 2:19 AM MST

  • 3523
    PTSD can cause reoccurring dreams.  I frequently dream that I forgot to study for one of my college classes and it's too late to make up for lost time.  It's supposed to be my last semester and I will not graduate. It always also means that I will never graduate because I am too sick and tired of school to start another semester.  It really sux and, yes, I think I have PTSD from having to put myself through school. This post was edited by CallMeIshmael at November 26, 2016 8:48 AM MST
      November 25, 2016 8:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    Whoa! Here are my two dreamy nightmary scenarios Doctor. I  am running late.   I can't seem to leave the house. I see the clock advancing and I'm getting panicky but something keeps going wrong and I'm still inside. I can't find my keys or I get a run in my nylons and have to change them or I notice a spot on a skirt and have to change it or the phone rings or or or or or. Now in my awake life I HATE to be LATE. I'd rather be an hour early and sit in the car on a side street so I can be on time than be a minute late. I get very nervous if I think I'm going to be late. The other dream is I'm out away from home in an unfamiliar place. I don't remember where I left the car. People are leaving. I know no one and it's getting dark. I can't remember how I got there so I don't know if I will know how to get home. I try asking help of the strangers there but I seem to be invisible.  They either don't see/hear me or they just ignore me. I do remember as a child dreaming about my parents dying and what would I do?  Who would take care of me? I guess most kids have abandonment issues but they outgrow them. I haven't shaken mine off. A motherlode for a psychiatrist. But PTSD? I wonder where it
    came from?  Of course I have many other kinds of dreams but those two stick with me like glue and  I have them a few times a year. I don't know what triggers them.  I guess there must have been some traumatic event(s) in my childhood that made a permanent mark on me. I have never been to psychiatrist.  From what I've read some of them have more problems than their patients. It would be just my luck to get one of them! Thank you for your reply CMI.  Maybe I should Google PTSD and figure out why me? :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 26, 2016 2:21 AM MST
      November 26, 2016 2:15 AM MST