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Coward Trump

Coward Trump dissses dead dictator Castro but is quiet about living dictators in North Korea and China.

Posted - November 27, 2016


  • 17641
    What are you, 12?
      November 27, 2016 11:29 AM MST

  • Oh, it seems you don't like that comment? I am not sure why? Surely it's logical to point out where there is an unfairness or inconsistency? Personally I am kinda surprised too by Trump's apparently friendliness with Russia and Putin. For those who don't know this is the same Russia who used to be America's deadly enemy, a communist state, which from what I hear Americans despise at all costs, and a country that has a terrible human right's record against their own people AND who have continually invaded and engaged in violence in other countries... 
      November 27, 2016 11:34 AM MST

  • 372
    Good point about Russia. Coward Trump would sell his own country down the river for a buck. The sooner he is impeached and convicted, the better.
      November 27, 2016 5:40 PM MST

  • 1233
    Trump is working to restore U.S. Russian relations because that is what's necessary. It has nothing to do with ideology. It's about averting a nuclear holocaust. Obama brought the world closer to a nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    Hillary was even reckless enough to threaten Russia with military action. What a crazy b*tch!!
    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 28, 2016 3:57 AM MST
      November 28, 2016 3:57 AM MST

  • You do interest me greatly.. i never know what you are going to say next! So one minute comunism is the scourge of humanity with Castro condemned for killing thousands of his own people..then all of a sudden collaborating with a Russian enemy who has been responsible for killing even more thousands and for Invading other countries is cool? It's so illogical and well seems to me very hypocritical.. like believing in God and trusting him then saying you hate and disrespect the Pope and saying that Trumps wife is an ok immigrant while you think racism against blacks and Mexicans etc is fine...

    Well do as you wish but again mark my words.. the Russian leader is not to be trusted and helping him, condoning his threats against Europe will just make them more powerful and maybe you will more than likely make you the next target...
      November 28, 2016 3:14 PM MST

  • And oh my you really should have read and thought about that independent article you linked me to more carefully!! A putin aide says.. so this is ONE person.. a RUSSIAN.. so now the US places faith in what a RUSSIAN says?? And there is evidence of Russian interference in US politics with the email leaks and then potential hacks on the electronic voting system.... so now US allows an old enemy to interfere in your most basic American right.. the right to elect a person of their choice to lead them..(so maybe the ruskies rigged it.. thats ok is it?) 
    Honestly what's ok about this???? I am tempted to say, ARE YOU MAD??? but of course I'd never be rude..
    And might you just think for a moment.. WHY might the RUSKIES want to meddle in your voting system, why might they want to rig your voting system.. WHY might they want Trump to win????

    Is it because they too think Trump is an idiot.. an easily led one at that?? Since when did the US want to become Russia's puppet? if they are able to rig your voting system what's next?

      November 28, 2016 3:28 PM MST

  • 1233
    Yes I'm willing to put my contempt for the leftists aside if that helps avert nuclear holocaust. 

    The main theme in your posts is your complete lack of perspective and proportion. For example, you talk about the death of Cox as if that is a massive threat to our security but you seem unconcerned about being directly aggressive with a nuclear power.

    Russia is not our enemy. We have a uneasy relationship but we are at peace. I'm not collaborating. That is an insult and you should withdraw it. BOTH sides have been aggressive. The west has been developing missile shield technology that is upsetting the nuclear stand off and making the Russians feel insecure. I'm simply being pragmatic. Russia is a nuclear power. We can't dominate them so we must pacify them. The Russians are not going to invade Europe. They don't wish to be vaporized either. Calm down.....

    Neither Trump nor I are racist against anyone. Do not repeat that lie again. It's just an insult. I will never speak to you again if you repeat that insult. You have been warned. Immigration control is about economics and defense.

    God has nothing to do with the Pope. They are two separate things. He is in my opinion unworthy of being Pope because he preaches immoral things. Why is that strange to you?

    Your paranoia about Russia is not worthy of serious response. You have just fallen for establishment propaganda designed to demonize Trump. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 28, 2016 4:48 PM MST
      November 28, 2016 4:39 PM MST

  • 3934
    Re: "The Russians are not going to invade, Europe"...Whoops!

    Re: I'm willing to put my contempt for the leftists aside...


    Re:" I [am not] racist.  Do not repeat that lie again. It's just an insult."

    This post was edited by my2cents at December 11, 2016 6:22 AM MST
      November 28, 2016 4:48 PM MST

  • 1233
    Nitpicking..Western intelligence engineered the coup in the Ukraine. We provoked Russia into securing their interests in Crimea. That doesn't count as invading Europe. 

    The Ukraine is a pawn on the grand chessboard that we captured. If the Russians take it back, well, I'm not willing to be nuked over it. The Ukraine is not "us".

    Me saying that I have contempt for leftists is not a personal attack. It just expresses my distaste for an ideology.

    Someone saying I support racism, after I have already said I don't, is a personal attack on my integrity and character.

    Your response takes it to a whole new level..... This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 28, 2016 5:54 PM MST
      November 28, 2016 5:30 PM MST

  • Reply... I know it won't do any good and my words and logic are wasted but... 

    >>Yes I'm willing to put my contempt for the leftists aside if that helps avert nuclear holocaust. <<

    Funny how you are willing to put aside YOUR beliefs and principles when you feel like it but wont evey entertain anyone else's perspectives... FWIW since you talk about Paranoia later in this conversation .. the supposed threat of nuclear holocaust has been present for decades and decades it hasn't happened yet and this is just a THREAT - so America cowtows to Russia now does it? The big bad enemy threatens you and you just shake hands and do a deal with the country you proclaimed just a short while ago to be the devil?  WE are more afraid of Trump's itchy trigger finger on that button to be honest but it is interesting how your old enemy threatens you, interferes in YOUR eleections.. and yet you are willing to be friends and forgive everything that Russia has done?  That's nuts and very strange.. I think it could well be very dangerous for America and especially feel that Trump was helped by the Russians because they see him as a puppet.. you seem not to care.. I just think that's interesting... BTW the UK newspaper you linked it owned by a RUssian.. soo a russian owned newspaper..tells you a russian said there was a threat under clinton which has miraculously been averted and you sit and swallow thatdo you?

    And yet you still profess that you hate communism and that it's a threat to YOUR society.... you are willing to criticise FIdel Castro who's country suffered more than 40 years of sanctions by America.. but seem to welcome with open arms the Russians.. tell ya what the Korea and some of the ISIS countries have nuclear weapons too.. will you be kissing their feet too?

    >>The main theme in your posts is your complete lack of perspective and proportion. For example, you talk about the death of Cox as if that is a massive threat to our security but you seem unconcerned about being directly aggressive with a nuclear power.<<

    As usual you have got it wrong.. sigh..  I've never made any claims about YOUR society.. you are the only one who has done that.. look at my posts.. but proof is often lost on you :( I DID say that the exterme right IS a threat to OUR society.. and i gave proof it is.. the number of referrals to the prevent programme which investigates recruiting of vulnerable people, (children and mentally ill for example) to recognised right wing groups which promote terrorism.. You said.. that it wasn't a threat!! SO you know better than the government and the people in charge here do you? Yes I expect you may think you do but in this case no you dont. You said, quite illogically, that it's only a threat if there are organisations... well there were at least two mentioned in the article i sent you about why it IS a threat but you choose entirely to ignore that.. You claim Jo Cox was an isolated incident - totally ignoring everything the article said (and this one wasnt sponsered by russians lol) by the UK governtment that it is NOT isolated..   personally the killing of ONE white woman, a mother is one too many.. she did nothing to deserve that.. and i strongly suspect that there is similar there.. except that it's generally not whites getting killed and in your support of white supremecy you don't seem to note that...but as I say mere facts don't seem to influence you, or your support for white supremecy and right wing are just so strong you ignore mere facts.. 

    >>Russia is not our enemy. We have a uneasy relationship but we are at peace. I'm not collaborating. That is an insult and you should withdraw it.<<

    I never said you as in you personally.. it's very clear when i refer to you in that context, IF i did then its about your country not you personally.. if America wants to try me on treason let them feel free but I have never insulted you personally on that front..  Sorry to say but being realistic YOU as in personally don't have any power or influence so it would be illogical to suggest that you personally are collaborating.. but it remains peculiar that you are so ready to overlook RUssian influence in your politics.. .

    >>We can't dominate them so we must pacify them. The Russians are not going to invade Europe. They don't wish to be vaporized either. Calm down...<<

    So you are saying that if someone threatens AMerica you cowtow and back off.. well lol no I had better not say anything but suffice it say America hasn't been known for letting people threaten them and letting them get away with it .. you, (as in your country!) must be slipping!  I dont need to calm down.. since it;s not ME they are threatening :P ..

    >>Neither Trump nor I are racist against anyone. Do not repeat that lie again. It's just an insult. I will never speak to you again if you repeat that insult. You have been warned. Immigration control is about economics and defense.<<

    Trump IS a racist because he has in his own words, which we have all seen and personally witnessed used racist language.  As to you I have never accused you of being racist.. I have examined, or tried to your support of right wing views and of right wing extremists.. in your own words and the words of a very irritating advert here..calm down dear. I have also pointed out the inconsistency of immigration.. you are happy to let some in. . but discriminate against others.. i am not referring to Muslims, tho even there one shouldnt assume all muslims are terrorists.. it's that you, (and again i mean your country not you) welcome white immigrants and not those who are not white.. it's strange, inconsistent and questionable...

    >>God has nothing to do with the Pope. They are two separate things. He is in my opinion unworthy of being Pope because he preaches immoral things. Why is that strange to you?<<

    You give no examples of this alleged immorality.. I've never seen any and he preaches love, acceptance, friendship and tolerance.. hard to see how that's immoral.. but feel free to tell me exactly what this immorality consists of and whether that's fact as you 100% fact or just your own humble opinion. Ditto god and the pope.. I think that must just be your opinion.. which of course you are entitled to.. but Catholicism is actually the older of the chrisianity movements compared to your own .. I dont actually know your chosen brand of christianity but catholicism came first and things like the church of England, from which most other AMerican and UK branches of CHristianity were literally INVENTED... so i f one were trying to say what God thinks, (and i wouldnt dare try!) then arguably god would probably not be too happy with you suggesting that catholicism is nothing to do with God.. and the Pope is the elected highest member of the church... But none of this matters.. don't youthink you open yourself to criticism when you say that your religion is acceptable to god and any other isnt?  that seems well illogical.. weird. and definitely opens you to ridicule...

    >>Your paranoia about Russia is not worthy of serious response. You have just fallen... propoganda<<

    LOL well not that you seem to listen but a) I have no paranoia. this seems to continually escape you.. I have never said WE are afraid of Russia.. . WE are just fine and we haven't ever done anything to incur their wrath in the first place... so WE are safe.. you continually forget this... I have only repeatedly questioned how America who were a short time ago UTTERLY paranoid about Russia and reds under the bed and who like you are still spouting utter hatred for the communist system and communism seem suddenly to forget all that and are now allowing Russians to rig your electoral system, to influence your politics and are cosying up to them... and get this while still spouting hatred for other communist regimes and communism.. news for you.. russians are very communist :P  SO to say it's my paranoia is wrong and illogical... something that if i were to accuse you of anything it would be that.. illogic.. I have no paranoia MY Little country is safe :) erm unless you guys miss when you try to fight back against russia!  

    Logically too you cannot say i have fallen to propoganda... cos there isnt any.. show me some you think i have read or been misled by... I am just sitting logically saying that you used to be such deadly enemies totally PARANOIAC about Russians not so long ago.. and you STILL say you HATE communism and you express hate for other communist countries.. and a) I am struggling to understand that and why you have allowed Russians to interfere with your electoral system.. and b) why you aren't concerned that  Russia seems to be playing you like a puppet.. helping a russian puppet get elected c) why you dont think that if Russia invades Europe (dont forget UK isn't Europe) that you wil be next on the list.... 
      November 29, 2016 8:43 AM MST

  • Might be best to just take this PM as i don't want to bore others with this.. to be honest it all seems a little futile though as i dont think you can see or understand anythign i say even when i back it with evidence.
      November 29, 2016 8:46 AM MST

  • 1233
    You called me a white supremacist and you called Trump racist again. By saying this, you show you're not interested in understanding me. You are too brainwashed. This is a waste of my time. You are completely incapable of understanding my world view. I have no further interest in talking to you. 

    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 29, 2016 10:06 AM MST
      November 29, 2016 10:03 AM MST

  • 2960
    I think we should be nice to our new president.
      November 27, 2016 5:44 PM MST

  • 17641
    Many remarks made here are funny, but people have the right to make them. 
      November 27, 2016 9:39 PM MST

  • Well Boring.. you are most welcome to be nice to him if you want.. 
      November 29, 2016 8:46 AM MST

  • 1233
    If he did diss China and North Korea you'd say he was confrontational and a diplomatic disaster. He can't win with you.

      November 28, 2016 3:34 AM MST