Discussion»Questions»Communication» What's in a name you ask? Why would anyone name anything UGG? Ugh! What brainiac thought UGG up and why? UGG is ugly sounding. Right?
Our youngest daughter once looked at something, say a glass, on the table during lunch. She was four or five years old and asked, "Why do they call it a glass?" We answered that everything has to have some kind of a name so people will know what they are talking about. She then asked, "How about blah-blah." That would work, I answered. Now whenever we don't know the name of something we call it blah-blah. It's been a running joke among us all these years. Maybe we should change the name blah-blah's to UGG(?)
I dunno CMI but have you SEEN the UGG boots? They were the rage for awhile and may still be for all I know and they are truly batsh** ugly. I don't get it. Thank you for your reply! Your daughter was precocious methinks. When I can't think of a word I say "dojigger" or "thingy". Jim always knows what I mean. :)
"Dohocker" also works. There are dohockers that you can buy to hold up mirrors and similar things. We had an aerial photograph in our office once being held up by these. A friend asked once if that photo was being held up by dohockers that he could rotate to take the photo down. I said yes, the picture was being held up by "dual rotating dohockers."
Is that a cousin of doohickey? I seem to recall using that word too. I just looked it up and it's in the dictionary! Yep it is! Imagine that? Dohocker/doohocker isn't. Did you know there actually are "whatnots"? The English language is colorful to say the least isn't it? Thank you for your reply CMI and Happy Wednesday! :)