Now I am not saying anything is or isnt so here.. just postulating and thinking.. about America's new found cosiness with their old enemy Russia... and it's only under Trump that this is possible apparently according to the Russians.. and we know Russia supported Trump, wanted him to win so much that they tried, (and maybe suceeded) to rig the elections.. And we are told that it was Russians that leaked the emails that set Clinton back under investigation... at a time funny enough when it would most damage her campaign. . Why isnt anyone asking HOW the Russians got the emails in the first place.. IF they did.. if they didn't make it up....
SO all this is puzzling me.. trying to understand it all and make sense of it...
So just an idea, no accusations of course.. but I am finding it very strange - why do the Russians specifically want Trump.... why are they supporting him...will there be repercussions for America....