Depends what time I Wake up in the morning :) I have 90 Minute plus drive to work when I wake up at 5 am I make eggs on rye toast with sliced tomatoes ....if I sleep in till 6am drive threw coffee with sometimes a toasted cinnamon raison bagel with butter. I'm kinda anti high carbs in real life and I preach that daily ...!so my last minute bagels are a secret ...shhhhh :p
You don't like rye bread ??? okay :/ I'll still respect you in the morning :)... Or try to. I really love rye bread ...its the only bread I like ...!and usually people just always say I'm always right!!! ;)
Nah. Thanks. Respect's always good. Well, we disagree about corn.......and rye toast.......and...........hmm, perhaps we'll find out more, as time goes on. Glad you said USUALLY.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 1, 2016 9:46 PM MST
Oh, not good, no breakfast. Have that granola bar. Here's one, free for the taking:
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 2, 2016 11:39 AM MST
Uh.......I may just have t with fruit and ground flax seed. Not sure. Will that suffice? Don't know that I'll be MAKING anything, really. ME eggs. Well, course, have to have at least toast with eggs. Well, 6:30 your time may not be 6:30 my time. Yes, though, that's too dang early. Hey, you don't know where I live to come here anyway, so all's good. I'll have what I want, and not worry about scaring up something for you. Oh, I feel such relief now, although............I would gladly make ya something. Maybe this---------and
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 1, 2016 10:36 PM MST