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Discussion » Questions » Communication » CHUTZPAH: "Unmitigated effrontery or impudence. Gall" Saying someone has chutzpah is not a compliment. Did you think it was?

CHUTZPAH: "Unmitigated effrontery or impudence. Gall" Saying someone has chutzpah is not a compliment. Did you think it was?

Posted - December 2, 2016


  • It can be a compliment but I saw it pretty clearly it wasn't.  ( pay attention to the context people.)
      December 2, 2016 4:07 AM MST

  • 113301
    In WHAT context is unmitigated effrontery/impudence or gall complimentary? I find it repulsive. 100%. In any context. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply Glis and Happy Saturday. I would find NO comfort in being near/with/around such repulsive people. I do not admire anything about them at any time in any way. They are rude/arrogant/condescending/supercilious/pompous/impudent/impertinent know-it-alls. In my opinion. No wiggle room there! :)
      December 3, 2016 2:40 AM MST

  • Ya gotta respect chutzpah! If it's cheeky enough, it's almost worth applause. In spite of the oft-quoted cliché, nebbishes do NOT inherit the earth.
      December 2, 2016 1:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    PET (aka Donald J. Trump) is Chutzpah personified...the poster "boy" for it in fact. There is absolutely nothing about him I respect Didge. Nothing.  I think he is 100% worthless. What do you find respectable or worthy of respect about him? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 3, 2016 2:42 AM MST
      December 3, 2016 2:36 AM MST

  • There's an element of cheeky expectancy about chutzpah. In Trump there's only arrogance, avarice, and probably a strong element of criminality which his supporters will very quickly realise but a little too late. Putting a man like Trump in the White House is a little like being a little bit pregnant. The amount of damage he is capable of doing is beyond calculation.

    Through most of his campaign I assumed that his supporters were all racists and bigots but toward the end I realised that people who need jobs, people who were hurting, voted for him in the hope that he would change things. It's the same kind of despair that wracked Germany in the 1930s, and look what happened there!

    No, I wouldn't use chutzpah to describe Trump. And most of the words I would use would mostly likely be deleted.
      December 3, 2016 11:52 AM MST