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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Talk about a flipflop! Kelly Anne Conway was so polite during the PET campaign phase but now? She dropped her "nice" mask. Why?

Talk about a flipflop! Kelly Anne Conway was so polite during the PET campaign phase but now? She dropped her "nice" mask. Why?

Now every time I see her being interviewed she is hostile/argumentative/combative/defensive/offensive. What happened to the professional woman who was in control, calm and civil? Where did she go and why? Is she gone for good or will she get back to the "nice" person she seemed to be even if it was a fake. I prefer the fake her to the real her. The fake her is shrill/screechy and hard to take.

Posted - December 3, 2016


  • 1615
    She is smart and quick witted Rosie, lets face it, how long could anyone be with Clinton supporters and not get defensive and irritable? If you are going to cry if you lose, don't play the game it's really that simple.
      December 3, 2016 11:40 AM MST