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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Have you noticed that Trump DENIES responsibility for things of which he is culpable, and CLAIMS full praise for things of which he is not??

Have you noticed that Trump DENIES responsibility for things of which he is culpable, and CLAIMS full praise for things of which he is not??


Time named him "Man of the Year" over the DIVIDED States of America..  Trump said, yeah, we're divided, but I DIDN'T do it...

Bwa, ha ha ha ha..


Posted - December 8, 2016


  • Now why doesn't that surprise me? The man is slimier and more devious than a bunch of eels.  Everything i see and everything i hear makes me despise him even more.. Whatever were those who voted for him thinking.. well they probably weren't thinking..  SO everyone else has to suffer :(
      December 8, 2016 9:47 AM MST

  • How did President-elect Donald Trump divide the United States? All the crap that has been happening started long before he even announced his candidacy for president. He isn't even President yet. How is it his fault? Obama has been the one in charge for the last eight years. Obama has been the one separating us into white/black, men/women, young/old every chance he got. After the San Bernardino attack, Obama told America that anyone who spoke ill of Islam would be legally punished. After the Charleston attack, Obama blamed all of white America for what happened. How is that not divisive? Look at Ferguson. Before the court case was even finished, Obama threw his lot in with Brown even though all evidence, eye witness testimony, and eventually the jury stated that officer Wilson was innocent and justified. How is that not divisive? I think you're looking at the wrong man to blame for the "divided" States of America, my friend.
      December 9, 2016 12:23 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello goofy:

    If Obama DID any of those things, I'd agree with you..  But, he didn't, so I don't..

    However, as a reasonable man, IF you can provide LINKS to where he SAID those things, I'd be happy to change my mind..   However, if you have in mind to refer me to people like Alex Jones, save your ink.

      December 9, 2016 6:00 AM MST

  • Very well put.. I have been flabbergasted at the sheer amount of lies proliferating throughout the election and then afterwards.. People spouting unfounded things as fact... and worse they seemed to genuinely believe these things.. it's strange as if fact no longer matters.
      December 9, 2016 6:07 AM MST

  • Well, someone's obviously got him, 'Presidency For Idiots: Being The Best Politician You Can Be (For You).'

    That kind of thing is politics 101.  Seen it so many times I've lost count.  This fool just does it without any sort of cover.

    It is my experience that the best place to see ideas credited outside their origin, the best place to see praise taken for someone else's work and work credited to people who didn't do it (and actually may have worked against it), is any official government structure.  This kind of thing is rife within the UK Civil Service and I have no doubt it is just as common elsewhere too.
      December 9, 2016 8:31 AM MST