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Can I just get a really quick reply? Nothing too indepth, just make it fast.

Quick I said! Thanks, I love you.

Posted - December 9, 2016


  • But I had the answer to which came first ...chicken or egg. 
      December 9, 2016 12:42 AM MST

  • 17260

    Fast enough?!
      December 9, 2016 2:11 AM MST

  • 17628
    Chapter 21
      December 9, 2016 7:56 AM MST

  • 53564


      December 9, 2016 8:50 AM MST

  • 6988
      December 9, 2016 7:42 PM MST

  • {
      December 9, 2016 10:13 PM MST

  • 53564
      December 10, 2016 12:20 AM MST

  • {~}
      December 10, 2016 6:19 AM MST

  • 53564
      December 10, 2016 6:20 AM MST

  • /^\
      December 10, 2016 6:24 AM MST

  • 53564
    I'll bet you say that to all the guys, Karen. And here I am thinking I meant something special to you. 

      December 10, 2016 6:29 AM MST

  • Here, this one is for you and you only. That's me waving at just you!
      December 10, 2016 11:09 AM MST

  • 53564
    Wow, with both arms, too!  I feel special again, thanks!  Here are a couple of decorative tildes for you:

      December 10, 2016 11:11 AM MST

  • Ok you want a short reply I can do that I'm not really one to ramble on and on and on about something I like to say what's on my mind and move on to another subject and not get stuck on the same old same old that never serves any purpose and usually causes others to stop listening to what you are trying to convey and can even induce boredom in some people so it's best to keep things short and sweet just for the consideration of others and also to conserve your own energy which you may need later because you just never know what's going to happen in the future where you may need as much energy reserve that you can gather the future is never really clear to us so it's always best to be prepared for whatever may come your way at any given moment naps are good for replenishing personal energy as well wouldn't it be nice if they made wearable windmills like beanie caps that way you would always have a free renewable energy source I bet you could even go without sleeping if you had a windmill beanie cap that would just be so awesome have I kept this short enough I really am trying my hardest not to not be such a big windbag and I think I'm doing a mighty fine job so far because I really am not much of a talker unless it's a subject I know a little or even a lot about some subjects really get me going and I can talk for hours about others not so much it really depends on the subject matter and what kind of mood I'm in at the time mostly I just like to keep quite about most things though even if I do know about them because someone else might not be all that interested in that particular subject and may not have anything to contribute to the conversation it would be really rude to monopolize the conversation if the person you are talking with has no interest don't ya think have you ever been talking with someone who just keeps going on and on and on it's really not that much fun a conversation has to go in more that just one direction to keep it interesting to all parties involved in the conversation if one person never knows when to shut-up it gets really old really fast and you start looking for an escape pod which is usually not working due to some mechanical malfunction or at least that happens in some movies I've seen I do love space movies even the ones that aren't scientifically accurate like Gravity that was a very inaccurate movie but I watched it anyway because George Clooney was in it he's not really my favorite but I kinda like him I loved him in ER do you remember that TV show he was in it for a long time I stopped watching it before the series ended though and I don't really remember why I stopped watching maybe something else came on in that time slot that I ended up liking better does that ever happen to you I know it happens to me a lot but I just deal with it I hope I've kept this short enough for you because I've really tried thanks for posting this question it's really a  nice question and I've enjoyed answering it for you I really really hope you like my answer to this question because I put a lot of thought into it before I even started typing my reply I guess I should stop now because you said to keep it short and I'm afraid if I keep typing it will not meet your qualifications as a short reply and I wouldn't want that to happen at all because that just wouldn't be Ok in the larger scheme of things don't you agree I really don't want to over think or over answer this question seeing as how you took your time to post such an interesting question here and only want quick and short replies to this question so I intend to honor your wishes and play by the rules you have laid down for answering this particular question I just fixed another cup of coffee and I think I may have overdone it a little this morning but I'm off today and can drink as much as I want for as late as I want I can't do that on days I have to work the next day because it keeps me up at night and if I can't go to sleep I have a hard time waking up in the mornings and it makes for a miserable day at work I used to be able to drink it all night and it didn't bother me I guess it's one of the drawbacks of getting older not that I'm really really old but I'm not a teenager any more so I can't do a lot of the things I could when I was younger but I can have as much coffee as I want today I bought a Keurig   and I really really like it I don't have to wait for my first cup of coffee in the mornings now and it really makes a big difference I wouldn't trade that machine for anything well maybe for a million dollars that way I could afford to buy a  new one do you think anyone would give me that much money for it  they do say a sucker is born every minute maybe I could find someone who would be willing to buy it for a million I'd even throw in a few K-cups with it hahahahhahahahahahahhaahaaaaaaaaaaaa Ok I'm going to stop now because i think this has been a really short and sweet reply I hope you like it :)
      December 9, 2016 9:31 AM MST

  • 17260
    Lolz. Brilliant.
      December 9, 2016 11:01 AM MST

  • Thanks.  I had a lot of fun with that one.  :)
      December 9, 2016 7:34 PM MST

  • 17260
    Shines through the reply, dear and it's what makes it so brilliant. :-)
      December 10, 2016 1:27 AM MST

  • 6988
      December 9, 2016 7:43 PM MST

  • Brahahaha....
      December 9, 2016 10:11 PM MST

  • 53564
    It's as if a little bit of Randy D has rubbed off on you, Karen. 
      December 10, 2016 6:30 AM MST

  • Worst things could happen. :) See, I kept it to one sentence. 
      December 10, 2016 11:07 AM MST

  • 3934
      December 9, 2016 11:07 AM MST