They BELIEVE that unemployment went UP during Obama - Nahh.. It went WAYYY down.
They BELIEVE that the stock market went DOWN during Obama - Nahhh.. It went WAYYY up.
They BELIEVE Clinton LOST the popular vote - Nahhh.. She beat him by 2.7 MILLION votes.
An even greater percentage – 60 percent – think “millions” of people illegally cast their ballots - Nahhhh. If the libs were smart enough to organize MILLIONS of fraudulent voters, you'd think they'd have them CAST those fraudulent votes in states where they MATTERED.. But, those STOOPID libs had them vote in California where it didn't matter at all..
There's more.. MUCH more.. Check it out.
PS> http://www.politicususa.com/2016/12/08/trump-supporters-alternate-reality.html