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Discussion » Questions » Celebrities » At the age of 95 John Glenn died which y'all know. He was an honorable man throughtout his life. He served his country well. Didn't he?

At the age of 95 John Glenn died which y'all know. He was an honorable man throughtout his life. He served his country well. Didn't he?

An astronaut. A Senator. A patriotic American. Nothing scandalous about his life. Had the same wife for 70 years plus. Are there any more out there like him on deck or is he the last one of his kind? A dedicated citizen, an astronaut, a  politician who was in it to serve the people, not steal as much as he could get away with. So long, farewell, adieu, goodbye! :(

Posted - December 10, 2016


  • 6988
    There are many more honorable folks out there like Glenn.  There is a less likely chance that they will  be a space pioneer. That frontier has been claimed by the early astronauts. 
      December 10, 2016 6:48 AM MST

  • 1523
    Yes he did.  He was a great man.  May he RIP.
      December 10, 2016 10:42 AM MST