Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » "All lives matter". Really? Even the lives of those who are EVIL and torture/murder/molest/maim/destroy? WHY?

"All lives matter". Really? Even the lives of those who are EVIL and torture/murder/molest/maim/destroy? WHY?

Posted - December 10, 2016


  • 3907
    Hello Rosie:

    Yes, ALL lives matter..  So, I'm against KILLING people..  But, I'm NOT against jailing them forever..

      December 10, 2016 7:58 AM MST

  • 457
    Yep, even the ones you don't like.
      December 10, 2016 8:02 AM MST

  • People say all life is precious.   I wholeheartedly disagree.   The lives of people like Hitler and Pol Pot.   Manson and Bundy.   Rapists, pedophiles, and slavers.   These lives are not precious at all.
      December 10, 2016 8:15 AM MST

  • 46117
    By exchanging violence and returning it with love is our purpose on this planet.  That does not mean to forget  or allow.  It means, we must understand that  there but for the grace of God go us.   These insidious creatures like Hitler have their roles to play just like the rest of us.  Without Hitler, what measure do we have of what lengths a mind will go to to rule and grab power.   Without  a Pol Pot we may dismiss Hitler as just an anomaly that only occurs once in a Century.  Hitler is less of an anomaly  now.   We see seeds of his consciousness spreading all over the planet. 

    Did his life matter?    Yes, there was a purpose   He will pay for his misdeeds lifetime after lifetime, and eventually he will be saved and "get it" just like the rest of us.   He is a slow  learner. 
      December 10, 2016 8:23 AM MST

  • I still disagree.   Mercy is for the righteous, not the wicked.  Destruction for those who destroy the innocent.
    Hitler and Pol Pot gave nothing of value to the world or humanity.  They only took away from it.
      December 10, 2016 8:33 AM MST

  • Hugo Boss.

    There's more too.  Disgusting individual that he was, that does not invalidate any worthwhile thing he did or caused to happen.

    It can be effectively argued that the US would not have achieved space flight when they did without some of Hitler's actions.
      December 10, 2016 2:44 PM MST

  • Nothing against you personally, but meh.
    It's an unpopular opinion, but I still hold it.   The world would be better off if his life never existed. Innovation would have happened anyways.   That doesn't stop.   Nor do I see a few car companies and a fashion label being all that important to adding tangible value to the world.   The people who made the brands they are today would have still likely done so if under a different name and different company.
      December 10, 2016 2:58 PM MST

  • 17652
    All lives matter.  I read about the horrifying execution in Alabama this week.  Just another one in a long line.  It is so past time to end capital punishment.  
      December 10, 2016 12:53 PM MST

  • 3934
    Yes, all lives matter. Even if their "mattering" is to serve as a higly negative example of What NOT to Do and What Others Should Be Careful Of.

    More specifically, all lives matter to the extent that police officers should NOT be empowered to kill unarmed people who are not an immediate threat to the officers or other people.

    The fact that police officers DO kill unarmed civilians and DO so DISPROPORTIONATELY to African-Americans was the genesis of the Black Lives Matter movement, which is something the All Lives Matter pettifogers want others to ignore.
      December 10, 2016 1:05 PM MST

  • 1615
    If you are a hunter in the woods, and see a snake coming towards you,  knowing certain snakes are venomous but not knowing which ones are,  you could feel your life could be in danger, wouldn't you shoot it to save your live?

       Blacks have a reputation of being the bad guy based on their unwillingness to be law biding and respectful which can easily be considered more of a threat, even blacks don't trust blacks because of their actions of which only they can fix. stop the blame game.  
      December 10, 2016 1:42 PM MST

  • 3907
    Hello tom:

    I'm crying again..  That's about the most racist screed I've heard around here..  To say that the black population EARNED their reputation of being scary and dangerous because of their "unwillingness to be law abiding and respectful", is simply racist on its face..

    If you don't KNOW that, I can't explain it to you..

      December 10, 2016 2:54 PM MST

  • So you'd be a proponent of shoot first and ask questions later, yes?  Based on melanin content alone it seems and backed by some data concerning crime and incarceration rates (which can readily be argued against if these figures are to be used to attempt absolute statements).  

    Unless you're attempting to maintain that ALL black people commit crime?  I think that'll be a bit of a stretch, even for some of the loons I've seen on here.

    Tell me, do you make a point of never buying insurance or investments from a white man?  White men are far more likely to screw you financially or through fraud than a black man is.  Are all your insurance providers black?

    I bet they're not.  Which would make you prejudiced, I think you'll have to agree.

    Regardless of any demographic people come from, people are entitled under the law to be presumed innocent until evidence is presented to indicate otherwise.  Thinking to yourself, 'He's black, he's bound to be nasty' is not only without adequate evidence, it speaks of a timidity and fear I have to admit I find rather disgusting.
      December 10, 2016 2:58 PM MST

  • 3934
    @TT -- No, I would avoid the snake. (BTW, I once dropped into a cave with approximately 20 rattlesnakes. None of them bit me or even made a hostile move).

    NO ONE is arguing that cops who are under actual attack shouldn't take steps to defend themselves. But in so many instances (Amadou Diallo, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and on and on and on) there was NO immediate threat. African-Americans are shot, choked, or otherwise abused for brandishing their melanin, not any sort of weapon.

    If you're OK with that, you're a deplorable person.
      December 10, 2016 4:16 PM MST