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What would happen if Trump gets impeached before he is sworn in?

Would Pence automatically become President and would Pence have to keep the people Trump chose to work with him? Cheers!

Posted - December 12, 2016


  • Doesn't he have to be sworn in before he can be impeached? 
      December 12, 2016 10:00 AM MST

  • 11331
    I think that as President elect he would have to be impeached before any kind of charges can be laid against. But I'm still wondering what would happen if he wasn't sworn in. Would Obama stay in office until a new election could be held. Cheers!
      December 12, 2016 10:18 AM MST

  • 17641
      December 12, 2016 4:21 PM MST

  • 3907
    Hello N:

    Before he's inaugurated, he can be charged with a CRIME and tried in the courts.. Afterwards, impeachment is the only way..

      December 12, 2016 10:20 AM MST

  • 11331
    Ok so suppose he is charged with a crime of treating National security or election tampering - could Obama refuse to swear him in? Cheers!
      December 12, 2016 10:50 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, N:

    Obama doesn't swear him in..  The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court does.

      December 12, 2016 10:54 AM MST

  • 11331
    Ok can the Chief Justice refuse to swear him in? lm really hoping Trump won't get in and the thought of him getting in is dampening my Christmas jolliness so I'd like some kind of a ray of hope that Trump won't get a chance to ruin the New Year. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at December 12, 2016 11:30 AM MST
      December 12, 2016 11:17 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello N:

    Constitutionally, NOBODY can stop him.  He's gonna BE the president..  That doesn't mean you give up the good fight..  It means you hunker down, and fight harder.

      December 12, 2016 11:21 AM MST

  • 7280
    Well, the electors could, technically.

    Interesting link:
      December 12, 2016 11:32 AM MST

  • 7280
    The constitution does not specify who has to swear in the president, although the chief justice is pretty much the guy.

    Since the constitution requires that the president take the oat of office as specified in the constitution, and since the supreme court "is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution;" I suspect the chief justice would not refuse to do so.
      December 12, 2016 12:17 PM MST