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How many members have we lost today to the political questions overswaming the question board?

Category: Rant

Just witnessed one disappearing seconds ago. Those arguing them will likely say "so what, yada yada..." Guess what? It's not so what! This is the environment we represent to new members:

1. feel welcome
2. get tired by all these political question
3. finally, the snap - "lose your head once, and we will go for your throat!"

I cannot say this too much. We need a more healthy environment. We will only get this if we have a more varied question board. Members who have tried to enlighten the content, and who came here with fresh blood have been forced off again with what we have to offer to them. It's a losing game... We cannot compete with the persistence of the political posters. There need to be a change, either in the interface where we can filter the question board (most, recent, views, replies etc.) or by a changed understanding of all members and an understanding of needs to move the questions into the debate room to enable the chances of getting the question board running with more varied questions. It is not about censoring, but about choice of forum.

End of rant. To the one who just deleted, you will be missed. We did not agree about what you wrote but you did contribute with lots of positive things during your short stay. I will better hold here before I say anything else.

Bonus question: how many of those from Blurtit do we have left now?

Posted - December 14, 2016


  • 3934
    @Karen -- If the new members are "special snowflakes" like the Benedict Arnold here...

    ...I have significant doubts about their ability to contribute much to the site...;-D...
      December 14, 2016 9:11 AM MST

  • 46117
    Good Riddance, I say.  They turned half the site off.   I'm sure they left because JA must have put the kabosh on their rudeness.  Not because there are political questions.  They are the ones that incited the political questions in the first place.  They would never leave because of that.  They left because they were attacking and causing fights and didn't like to be called on their ignorant commentary.

    Total Egomaniacs.   Good riddance. 

      December 14, 2016 8:53 AM MST

  • 17260
    Care to borrow a mirror, Sharonna?
      December 14, 2016 9:53 AM MST

  • They don't want real political discussion.  They want verbal hand-jobs from their little cliques and that's drives people off. 
    Sorry but the vast majority of people obsessed with politics here are just bloviating wind bags who are unable to hang with the big boys on big boy discussion sites with lots of traffic by people preparing and looking for political discussion.  If they could, they would be in those places where people might actually pay mind to their BS.   That isn't the case though.  They just want to rant like a child instead of actual discussion or idea exchange.  Get on a soap box and play big bad a** and chit.
      December 14, 2016 9:08 AM MST

  • 3934
    Re: "...bloviating wind bags..."

    Hey! I, resent that remark!...;-D...
      December 14, 2016 9:12 AM MST

  • 17260
    At this point I don't care what kind of political questions they want to ask. They can ask them all they want, as long as there will be space to other questions not drowning in them. I keep wondering what the Debate Room is meant for.
      December 14, 2016 9:39 AM MST

  • In the vein of objective fairness Sapph.   This may be over doing it a bit.  Posting multiple questions about this subject isn't a good image either and it is starting to beat a dead horse.
    While I may have the same or similar feelings,  we are  becoming the thing we dislike if we keep posting questions about it over and over again.

    Just sayin'.  :/
      December 14, 2016 9:50 AM MST

  • 17260
    You are right, and like I just explained to Bozette this wasn't planned for but was a triggered reaction by seeing the member disappearing right in front of my eyes. Seems there is no openness to discuss the matter in civilized and mannered ways. Quite sad a discussion site isn't prepared for a discussion.
      December 14, 2016 9:57 AM MST

  • Might just be better to acknowledge things like that on previous threads about said subjects.

    There's no reason to let old threads die anyways.  Kinda nice when they last for months and months IMHO.
      December 14, 2016 9:59 AM MST

  • 17260
    You are once more right.
      December 14, 2016 10:28 AM MST

  • 3191
    I'm not sure who or how many left, but it has been my experience that whenever there is an exodus from one site to another, many initially come and check it out, some find it to their liking and stay, others don't and leave.  As an individual joining a new site, it takes a bit to get the feel for it and sometimes I stay, other times not.  

    I know, too, that oftentimes regular users will be absent for periods of time, sometimes weeks or months, simply due to what is going on in their lives.  If someone is suddenly gone, it doesn't necessarily mean they will stay gone.  Although I have never figured out why, some choose to deactivate their accounts during these absences, which may make it appear that they are gone for good, when they fully intend to return.  

    You have now made it abundantly clear about your desire for political posts to be posted in the Debate Room, and your further posting complaints about it is simply ranting.  And as has been pointed out, if you have not brought your concerns up privately with JA, it will be seen by many as disrespectful to her.  You might have posted a poll asking people for their preference on the matter and then, if the results favored your stance, taken that to JA to bolster your argument.  Ultimately, the decision is hers, though.   
      December 14, 2016 9:25 AM MST

  • 17260
    Thank you for your reply Bozette, and thank you for not accusing me that I don't want political questions at aM.

    I won't discuss in public what and what not I have discussed with JA, or when. This idea as such isn't new. When I brought it up the first time during election campaigns I was told to await the elections and it would become more varied after those. Hasn't happened. I meant to not make another post today but was triggered by seeing that member disappear right in front of me. That's what I have to say to it.

    What I would like, is a true and open discussion about how we all can make the main question board more varied and interesting. I think it's up to us, the users to decide how we make use of the main board and how we make use of groups as long as we stay inside TOS. If we collective would take our political questions inside the group for a period we would be able to se how it works out, and there would be no need to make changes to TOS.
      December 14, 2016 9:50 AM MST

  • 3191
    "Debate Room" implies that those posting within are actually seeking debate.  Some do.  The vast majority of the political posts on this site are not intended by the OPs for debate, however.  Many eschew any discussion even, which does not parrot their own viewpoint.  Therefore, the "Debate Room" really isn't an appropriate venue for those posts.  

    Personally, you would find the main board more interesting without political posts.  I would not, but that's just my opinion.  What makes me frequently lose interest here, both on the main board and in groups, is that any discussion outside the narrow confines of precisely how a question is worded is often frowned upon and called out by OPs.  (Not saying you, SH.)  This stifling of discourse is what I find both boring and frustrating.   
      December 14, 2016 10:13 AM MST

  • 17260
    Again, you are wrong. I would prefer political questions too at the main question board. Even the unused trash bag questions, as the sexual related questions. I would love it all one place, but the main issue is that the amount/share of political questions (and yes, we can discuss if they even are questions) is drowning any other questions to get a better share. People "die" before and give up asking questions as they know they will drown in the political ones.

    And yes, I have witness the latter mentioned in your comment where it involved you. I tried to encourage you not to leave discussions inside the group by that occasion. :-) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 14, 2016 10:22 AM MST
      December 14, 2016 10:20 AM MST

  • 3191
    The obvious solution is for those wishing more diversity on the board to post more diverse questions, rather than let the political posters dominate. 

    It has happened repeatedly both in groups and on the main board.  I have seen it happen to many, it isn't just something that happened once to me.  It is prevalent enough that I have limited my time and participation here, and frankly, where it not for a few friends, I probably would have left myself by now.  In all the years I have been in online forums, by far the most interesting discussions have stemmed from posts that got a bit off the beaten path.   
      December 14, 2016 10:37 AM MST

  • 17260
    Yus. About your solution, it has been tried by several of us. My hope was the new blood together with the rest of us could make it more living but more and more I talk with tell me like you, they stay less and less time here and weren't it for a few friends. Meh. :-/
      December 14, 2016 10:55 AM MST

  • 3191
    New people seldom come in with the goal to change what is, they are looking for something they will fit into as it already exists.  

    If you think the political posts on the main board are too numerous to present a welcoming atmosphere, then work to change it by injecting posts you find interesting.  

    I think there are some who would be very happy with all or mostly non-political posts, while others would be content with primarily political posts.  I think a lot of users fall somewhere in between.  No one of us can speak for what everyone desires here.
      December 14, 2016 11:16 AM MST

  • 17260
    They wouldn't change, this place would with a needed blood transfusion.

    As for your suggestion, I already do. I cannot become more active than I already am. And you are right, the wishes for post will vary which is why a more balanced main question board would be more appealing, generally speaking. 

    Guess we won't get closer any solution just the two of us talking. I'd thinking we would find an understanding, not necessarily about the subjects though. Lol.
      December 14, 2016 11:26 AM MST

  • 7280
    I've been on here about 10 days.

    I came on over a weekend, and it seemed to be an interesting site.

    I don't mind political questions, but it seems that the president-elect inspires either love or hate;  so I haven't really gained too much insight from the from responses as to the potential pros and cons that we might anticipate in his upcoming tenure.

    Most just go into one of two files---great or tragic predictions.

    I don't mind ranting or raving either.

    I would like to see the political questions drop below their current percentage, but not by eliminating them; rather by having more questions in other areas.

    I probably won't have a valid opinion about this site for a few months.

    ---Just my 2 cents.
      December 14, 2016 11:34 AM MST

  • 17260
    I have no wish for them to be eliminated or censored. Seems being a general misconception among most getting aggressive inside the post here. Thank you for joining in with your views and experiences so far. I hope you'll have a long stay here. :-)
      December 14, 2016 11:40 AM MST

  • I've just read all the posts above and, as a newcomer, I'm not sure whether I should go away and lick the wounds created by all the apparent hostility toward us, or if I should think that, perhaps, that hostility was levelled at somebody specific (like the Benedict Arnold whose offensive post in Old School's link was calculated to make people angry).

    Yes, the political hatred expressed toward Trump is disturbing. It's no worse than the hate levelled at President Obama in the past, but it's still disturbing and, in my opinion, detracts from this excellent site. It DOES discourage people from visiting and I find myself weeding through to find the good posts obscured by the obsession of just a couple of people.

    I like answerMug and hope to stay but to do that I'll have to hone my navigation skills to avoid the political dunghills.
      December 14, 2016 5:42 PM MST

  • 34709
    We would like you to  stay. People are just upset right now. Some about the amount of political questions and others another complaining about the political questions. 
    If you do venture into the political section just know that whatever side you are on you will likely be challenged. But we do have rules about personal attacks....if you feel someone crosses the line please report it, either send a link to myself or JA or simply hit the report button. 
      December 14, 2016 6:08 PM MST

  • Thanks for that. I'm not planning to pull the plug any time soon and, really, I'm not one to run to teacher if somebody pulls my pigtails. But I appreciate your offer.

    Come to think of it, a bald man with pigtails might be something of a sensation. :)
      December 14, 2016 6:21 PM MST

  • 17260
    Thank for your contribution Didge. It's refreshing to have you among us. I too hope you'll hang in there. :-)
      December 14, 2016 10:40 PM MST

  • Thanks, SH. I'll try not to upset too many people. >:-/
      December 14, 2016 11:18 PM MST