How do I distract my thoughts when frustrated? Often, not very well it seems. :)
Maybe playing piano, listening to music, reading, extreme exercising, masturbation, cooking a favorite food, ordering a pizza, Serenity Prayer -- God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the thins I can and the wisdom to know the difference. I also often just say "Stop it" and try to mentally just throw away the frustration, rather than fall in to the "analysis/paralysis" mode that can just keep me frustrated.
Sometimes, like "feelings are just being feelings" - they come and go - -, thoughts are just thoughts --just let them come and go
Oomph. I hope if not some of my other posts, then those of others here can be helpful to distract your thoughts. It's one of my ways to get over my frustrations. Distractions are at times the best solution for myself. :-)