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Donald Trump posted a sticker book from the movie "Frozen", with the Star of David"...

Then he asked if this was anti-Sematism too. Well, I fact-checked him. There is no "Frozen" sticker book with the Star of David".

Question: Doesn't Trump know people are going to check his statements? Because they always do.

Wonder what Disney thinks of this?

Posted - July 6, 2016


  • 17260
    His supporters, and a larger part of the voters don't. The real issue is that the press they use to cover their update on news doesn't check it either/neglect the fact that he lies. So much for journalism/critical journalism.
      July 7, 2016 1:16 AM MDT

  • 35073 So because you could not find it...he is lying? Just so you know it is not a sticker book. It is a Frozen book that has stickers. Perhaps if you look for that you can find it. Lol
      July 7, 2016 6:30 AM MDT

  • 2515
    1. Children's books that have stickers are called sticker books.
    2. "Frozen" books use drawings of snowflakes, not the Star of David".
    3. Of course, I checked with and Barnes and Nobel, who sell their books. There is no book that looks like this. I think it was photoshopped. The Star of David in Trump's ad is exactly like the one in his tweet on Twitter.
    4. That link you posted show the photo Trump posted, so it doesn't prove it is real.
      July 7, 2016 10:31 AM MDT

  • 35073

    There were more people posting it before Trump did.  They are complaining that Trump stole their pict from Reddit.

    IF you want to prove it is fake....find the book without the star.

      July 7, 2016 10:43 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Disney, (WALT) is the perfect candidate for this.   He was no saint, that one.

    Trump is already back-peddling.  He and his Anti-Semitic wife are already legendary with their racial slurs against Jewish people.  I think Trump is part Jewish too, kind of like Hitler being reborn, as I said before.

    The Outrageous Jewish Hypocrisy of Ivanka Trump — Not To Mention Donald and Melania

    I find this whole article somewhat bland and ineffective regarding Trump saying he would date his daughter.  IT was a compliment of sorts.... But this?
    The New York Times’ Jonathan Weisman was recently subjected to a wave of hate, and before that, Julia Ioffe was targeted for a balanced profile she did of Melania, Donald’s wife, for GQ. Both incidents received a great deal of coverage and finally drew the attention of Jewish groups like the Anti-Defamation League.

    Many have said that the Trumps aren’t responsible for their fans. Even ignoring Trump’s racist rhetoric against Muslims and Mexicans and his encouragement of violence at his own rallies, this is demonstrably false.

    This part of the article is somewhat lame: What is it about Ivanka Trump? If Donald’s daughter were the one running for president, there would probably be far fewer Republicans declaring “Never Trump” as we watch the election unfold like a slow-motion train wreck. She is, simply, everything her father is not. Soft-spoken, a thoughtful listener, a self-proclaimed feminist, naturally beautiful and gentle — especially in contrast to her father’s brash, bombastic showmanship.

    In The Federalist (where I am a senior contributor) Mary Katharine Ham puts it best: “Ivanka is a natural in the art of Kate Middletoning — being damn near perfect and likable, especially to women, even when her immense beauty and privilege have the potential to make such displays grating.”

    Which is why so many fans and admirers of Ivanka, myself included, are increasingly wondering: When is it going to be enough for Ivanka? When will it come to a point where even Donald’s daughter can’t defend him any longer?

    In a recent article in The Atlantic, Alex Wagner asks just that. How can a self-proclaimed feminist stand idly by as her father, a presidential candidate, debases not only women everywhere, but also Ivanka herself? One of Donald’s ultimate “compliments” about Ivanka is that he would date her if she weren’t his own child. If any other father in America made a similar public statement about his teenage daughter, he would (justifiably) be subject to a visit from the local division of Child Protective Services. It’s just not something a father says about his daughter — much like Donald’s compliments about the future breast size of his then-one-year-old daughter Tiffany.

    Ivanka’s entire brand revolves around empowering women to be the ultimate multitaskers, taking up the mantle of Sheryl Sandberg and helping women who want to make it in corporate America “lean in.” Wagner writes, “What is undeniably true is that there is no room even in Ivanka’s brand of hyper-efficient, nonconfrontational feminism for the piggish antics and antiquated, un-hashtaggable gender tropes embraced by her father. Put another way: If the tables were turned and Donald Trump worked for his daughter, he would have been fired long, long ago.”

    What Wagner wrote of Ivanka’s feminism could just as well be said of her Judaism. How long can Ivanka, herself Jewish and the mother of three beautiful Jewish children, stay silent about the vocal anti-Semitic contingent in her father’s base? Last October, I was one of the first journalists to take note of the phenomenon in these pages, asking, “Why Won’t Donald Trump Stand Up to His Anti-Semitic Fans?” Seven months later, I’m still asking.

    Since that piece was written, Trump has retweeted more blatantly anti-Semitic accounts and selected a delegate with white nationalist ties to represent his campaign in California. In the run-up to the New York primary, Ted Cruz could be found in Brooklyn baking matzo with some Chabadniks (and me), but Trump was nowhere to be seen making similar outreach attempts to the Jewish community. The closest Trump came were his appearances at events like the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual gathering late last year, when he joked that he wasn’t going to get the support of those present because he wasn’t interested in taking their money. A very unamused crowd eventually booed the then-longshot candidate.

    Now that more mainstream and liberal reporters are on the receiving end of the same deluge of tweets, messages and even calls that conservative Jews have been experiencing for over seven months, the wider media is finally beginning to pay attention. The New York Times’ Jonathan Weisman was recently subjected to a wave of hate, and before that, Julia Ioffe was targeted for a balanced profile she did of Melania, Donald’s wife, for GQ. Both incidents received a great deal of coverage and finally drew the attention of Jewish groups like the Anti-Defamation League.

    Many have said that the Trumps aren’t responsible for their fans. Even ignoring Trump’s racist rhetoric against Muslims and Mexicans and his encouragement of violence at his own rallies, this is demonstrably false.

    Read more:

      July 7, 2016 10:56 AM MDT

  • 2515
    @my2cents: oh, I did find it and posted it in my photos. Check it out! Proof! I posted the original and Trump's.
      July 7, 2016 11:40 AM MDT

  • 35073

    You posted the Cover of the Book Elsa's Gift and yes it is the same exact image of Elsa.  But is it possible that Disney has used this exact image of Elsa on more than one product?  I say it is possible.  It is one of those things companies do to make a profit and build a brand.

      July 7, 2016 2:17 PM MDT

  • You mean frozen alone isn't?
      July 7, 2016 2:59 PM MDT

  • 35073

    The top 2 are Disney books.  The Golden Book of Frozen and Elsa's Gift.  The bottom is Trump picture of the Frozen book with stickers.  And ALL 3 products are using the exact same picture of Elsa.  Sorry but that is not any kind of proof that the Trump tweet is a fake. 

      July 8, 2016 8:49 AM MDT

  • 35073

    Here is the link where you can buy the book pictured in Trumps tweet. Cost a whole $3.84 It is a coloring book.  

    Glad you don't work for snopes or

      July 8, 2016 9:03 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello M:

    The issue isn't Disney, or even the star..  The issue IS, that MOST people THINK the star with money in the background IS antisemitic, and Trump is telling them that HE knows what antisemitism is, and THEY don't...  That's NOT gonna win him any elections (which is fine with me).


      July 8, 2016 9:37 AM MDT

  • 5808
    Why the connection?
    It's just a star
      July 8, 2016 9:57 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello Baba:

    Uhhh, NO, it ISN'T just a star.  And, the star, in and of itself, is NOT antisemitic..  It's the $100 bills in the background COMBINED with the Star of David.  It's signals that JEWS run the banks.  It's NOT a flattering picture...

    But, again, it's NOT the star..  It's Trumps REFUSAL to grasp that OTHER people THINK it's antisemitic.  Or, in the alternative, he KNOWS exactly which groups think it's antisemitic, and it's his signal that he's WITH THEM..


      July 8, 2016 10:17 AM MDT

  • 35073
    The picture has Clinton with cash behind her. Because of the allegations of Clinton's foundation and other misuse of moneys. The star was just used to put in the caption. Personally I don't see a problem. It was going after Clinton not the Jewish community. Trump's daughter is Jewish.. why would he attack his family?
      July 8, 2016 4:59 PM MDT

  • 500

    First the star used was not a facsimile of the Star of David. It is a six point star just like the ones I used to get on my homework in grade school.

    The Star of David is open on the inside. Also, the Jewish faith does not own the rights to a six point star.

    Just because someone used a six point star does not mean it is related to the Jewish faith.

      July 8, 2016 5:08 PM MDT

  • 35073
    He did grasp that some people may have been offended. That's why he changed the star to a circle. But is maintaining that he didn't mean it as anything anti-Semitic. He meant it as anti Hilary.
      July 10, 2016 9:50 PM MDT

  • Another dishonest leftist smear attack. A star of David is a 6 point star made of two equilateral triangles. A plain 6 pointed star shape is not a star of David. This is just a pathetic attempt to read meaning into something when it just isn't there.

    There surely is a star on a Frozen sticker book. The idea that Trump would manufacture the image is stupid. 6 pointed stars are EVERYWHERE. He really wouldn't have to look very far to find a genuine illustration of his point.

      July 11, 2016 2:49 PM MDT

  • Owned!!!

      July 11, 2016 2:56 PM MDT

  • 1264

    I love when any politician gets caught in a lie!!!! Whoa!!!

      July 11, 2016 3:04 PM MDT

  • The book does exist. my2cents found this link proving it is genuine.

      July 11, 2016 3:12 PM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello Al:

    As an admitted WHITE SUPREMACIST,  it's no wonder you HATE Jews.


      July 11, 2016 3:19 PM MDT