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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » What happens when service industry jobs Obama created get replaced and done by robots not making higher minimum wages?

What happens when service industry jobs Obama created get replaced and done by robots not making higher minimum wages?

Driverless cars and package delivering drones you have already heard of. The rich won't have to pay anybody and the 1% can go from taking 20% of all wealth to grabbing the whole pie.

Posted - December 26, 2016


  • 3934
    That is the probably the most fundamental pressing problem facing humanity in the near future (other than issues related to anthropogenic climate change).

    As I see it, there are three classes of solutions:

    1) Let/cause lots of people to die until the supply of labor is brought back in line with actual demand.

    2) Introduce lots of artificial inefficiency in the economy to increase labor demand (e.g. if Wal-Mart was broken up into 8 mini-Wal-Marts, each MWM would need a CEO, a CFO, a CTO, a director of marketing, a trucking fleet director, secretaries for each of the executives, etc.)

    3) Teh Ebil Socialism. People whose labor is utterly unneeded will need to be provided with some minimal level of food/clothing/shelter/health care/etc.
      December 26, 2016 7:17 PM MST

  • 1615
    People popping out babies all over the place isn't helping, and our stupid leaders pay more welfare for each one,.no incentive to use protection for the people who can least afford kids. ever wonder why humans are so stupid?
      December 26, 2016 9:33 PM MST