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Is it worrisome that the average life expectancy for people in the US just declined?

"The life expectancy for the average American man fell two-tenths of a year — from 76.5 to 76.3. For women, it dropped one-tenth — from 81.3 to 81.2 years."

Posted - December 28, 2016


  • Meh.   I'll probably be begging to die by then anyways.
      December 28, 2016 3:43 AM MST

  • 13395
    In Canada life expectancy is probably fairly similar so I would be happy to kick the bucket in 5 or 6 years rather than end up in a vegetable state due to onset of alzhiemer's like my mother did.
    I inherited her hay fever and problems with cramps in legs and feet at night time so I am probably due to inherit  her dementia as well. Eg. I found my house keys in the utility drawer in the kitchen,  little things like that.
      December 28, 2016 5:51 AM MST

  • 46117
    If I live to be 82 instead of 82 and 3 quarters, I won't loose a drop of sleep over it.
      December 28, 2016 5:57 AM MST

  • 17660
      December 28, 2016 2:27 PM MST