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Have you had deaths of loved ones recently?

Such sadness. Carrie Fisher, then her mom, Debbie Reynolds. We had a death of two family members. One about 2 weeks ago, one last week, and a friend of the family, yesterday. I wondered if you all were having the same thing. 

Posted - December 28, 2016


  • A close friend of mine shot and killed himself about two months ago. It wasn't a good month.
      December 28, 2016 8:38 PM MST

  • so sorry
      December 28, 2016 9:10 PM MST

  • I didn't know ....I'm sorry. 
      December 28, 2016 9:15 PM MST

  • Sorry to hear :-(
      December 28, 2016 9:33 PM MST

  • Im sorry you went thru that. We had a friend do that too. I fluctuate between feeling sad for her, and angry. Suicide is a horrible, horrible thing.
      December 29, 2016 12:33 AM MST

  • 46117
    Boy everyone is really making a lot out of Carrie Fisher.   I don't get it.  She was a bit player in a sci-fi movie.   Years ago.   I am not sad at all.   My life is not going to change because she died.   It didn't change when David Bowie died either. 

    People die every day.   My mom died last year.   Carrie Fisher did not care.

      December 28, 2016 9:13 PM MST

  • The poster says that she had a family member die two weeks ago, another last week, and a friend yesterday. And your answer is, "I don't care, people die everyday".
    And that's somehow ok with you. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 29, 2016 12:26 AM MST
      December 29, 2016 12:25 AM MST

  • 6988
    But, but Carrie was in the Blues Brothers! Filmed in your native Chicago. Lower Wacker Drive and everything!
      December 29, 2016 1:22 AM MST

  • 2971
      December 28, 2016 9:22 PM MST

  • In order for a man to be this bitter all the time he must have a huge sense of un acknowledged entitlement. It must really suck being you two, and find enjoyment only in the misery of others, just to mask your own.
      December 29, 2016 7:01 AM MST

  • 46117
    I don't care if two movie stars croaked.  I have a lot more respect for their lives than getting all sappy because they died.  I didn't know them.  That doesn't give you the right to try and be an armchair psychiatrist and analyze me or Bromide. 

    Who do you think you are anyway? Besides someone who seems to have an opinion about everything that no one but you can relate to.   Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher do not know me.  They do not care if I die or anyone I know.  So, I feel the same.  I am not invested in getting all sappy about it.  People die every single day.  That is life.  It is not a punishment.  Actually, life is a bigger punishment than any death.  So GROW UP and deal with it. 

    She was in Star Wars 100 years ago.  I am not bereft.  IT was her time.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 29, 2016 7:06 AM MST
      December 29, 2016 7:03 AM MST

  • Well, do you have a different explanation? I'd love to hear it. Do you think im wrong? I don't really care one way or another which celebrity of the day died. But some people do. It takes a special kind of person to walk into a group of mourners and say, "screw you guys, this is stupid".
    Again, that does not say anything about them, it says lots about the kind of person you are. 
    You're lucky these people here accept you. Im pretty sure this is all you have. You should be nicer. And you will be. You always are. Until the next time. How was that?
      December 29, 2016 7:19 AM MST

  • So why mention the death of your loved one? Can we not, with a flippant wave, dismiss it as "being her time? Come on man. 
      December 29, 2016 7:24 AM MST

  • 46117
    You do not understand nor get one word I say.   I am tired of spoon- feeding you.  I have to explain everything I mean.  It gets tedious.  Really. 

    First of all Carrie Fisher, who know one even knows anything about dies.  And everyone on here has to weep and moan like they even know one thing about her.   She starred in Star Wars and that is what all the hub bub is about.

    WHo CARES?   I read all her books.  She was a talented author.   She was married to Paul Simon for a decade and she was popular when she was young and pretty.   She had bi-polar issues and drank a lot and self-medicated.  She was smart as a whip.   She is dead.  That is it.

    Zsa Zsa Gabor died the other day and everyone did the same thing.  WHO CARES?  WHO?   She was a total bore and lived well beyond her appointed years.   She was a legend because why?   She made a few old movies?  She married 8 times to millionaires?  Good for her.  But everyone on here had to act like she was so important because they have nothing else to say.  They probably did not give her a thought until she croaked.

    The only think interesting about Debbie Reynolds death since she is OLD enough to die, is that she did it a few days after her daughter.   Now they are together.   Good for them.

    It has nothing to do with me and it certainly has nothing to do with you.

    My mom died.  I lived with her every day.  That affects me, not Debbie Reynolds.  And if you don't like it?  You are shallow  and really need to get a life. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 29, 2016 7:31 AM MST
      December 29, 2016 7:26 AM MST

  • Oh dear Sharonna, 
    When you insult me, when what I say gets to you so deeply, you only make me right. 
    Think about it woman, does it really sound right to you for anybody to get upset about others feeling bad about a celebrity passing? Does that really sound rational to you? While at the same time calling attention to the death of your own mother?
    Do you really not see it as rude, to go to people you interact with everyday, and like I said. Im pretty sure the only ones you have, some of which you call friends, and say, "I see you're upset, but guess what, you're stupid, I don't care" 
    Only and exclusively because you just feel like it, and by God, you're going to say it. Only because you are angry at life.
    But I do concede on one point, that it is none of my business, you either don't get it, in which case it is not really your fault. Or you see it but get a perverse satisfaction from shocking people and truly and honestly don't care about what others feel. 
    But, again, as you always do, once you get your fix, you'll be nice again, you always are.
      December 29, 2016 8:04 AM MST

  • 2971
    It is just a song, and barely a song. It also sounds sad. The band is from Texas and so is the question asker. Despite their dumb name, they made good music. I get real enjoyment from music.

    Everywhere someone is having personal problems. In your neighbor's house they're going through something. The person on the bus or train is having the worst day of their life. The cashier at the store cries in the bathroom during their lunch break because they can't stand their life. It really is impossible to care about everyone in a true and genuine way. That is a real problem with modern life. We are very disconnected. So in that sense, I guess "I don't care".

    I love Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back is one of my favorite movies, if not favorite movie depending on the day. I'm glad she had a "comeback" in The Force Awakens.

    Many people say Carrier Fisher died because of her drug use. I don't think she "got what she deserved" like some people have said on the internet. Just because you make mistakes or are born into a situation you don't deserve to be punished.

    I'm sorry she had mental problems, and she probably did act as an example to others. I know I didn't get ECT because she (and others who have had it) seemed a little "off".

    Thank they for their reply. This post was edited by Mr. Bromide at December 29, 2016 9:45 AM MST
      December 29, 2016 7:43 AM MST

  • This is the first time I have read anything from you that wasn't angry or sarcastic or in any Way hateful. And for that I thank you. This is a side of you that, to be honest, you should let people see more of. Thanks for your response.
      December 29, 2016 8:11 AM MST

  • Sorry for your loss, very sad especially around the holidays.  It's been awhile but my beloved grandpa died Christmas morning 2005.  :-(
      December 28, 2016 9:33 PM MST

  • 17660
    I lost a close friend about a month ago.  I couldn't travel to go up for the service, which my daughter handled for the family.  My sweet friend since 9th grade  was deathly ill and hospitalized for a full year.  Horrible.
      December 28, 2016 11:54 PM MST

  • 6988
    I lost my last aunt and uncle this past summer. Now I have none left. 
      December 29, 2016 1:18 AM MST

  • 11591
    My best friend since high school died of a blood infection about a month ago. 
      December 29, 2016 4:10 AM MST

  • Sorry about that Jane. 

      December 29, 2016 7:30 AM MST

  • 17660
    I'm so sorry.  I lost a dear friend about then too.  Every time I lose one that I love, it changes the world for me.  The friends we make as kids are friends for life. 
      December 29, 2016 1:46 PM MST

  • 17660
    I'm so sorry.  Same for me.  Those friends we make as kids are lifers.
      December 30, 2016 12:01 AM MST