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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Why is part of the narrative, the Russians were motivated to help Trump when reasons why are certainly not in the report?

Why is part of the narrative, the Russians were motivated to help Trump when reasons why are certainly not in the report?

Is that the part where politics get mixed in with the facts?

Posted - December 30, 2016


  • The report, if there is one.. would NOT be able to determine the Russians motives - that's just logic! What you think they are gonna just tell you when you ask them? Let's not be silly; it's inherently impossible to say for sure why they did it but we can make pretty accurate guesses and those can be based on evidence and facts... we KNOW the Russians hated Hilary.. and we KNOW they supported Trumpet.. we know this cos they have made that clear.. so it's easy to surmise their intentions based on what we do know.. i.e to interfere and cause Hilary disadvantage which would help Trumpet.. doesn't take a genius to work that out.. 
      December 30, 2016 9:29 AM MST