Reddit is a great site but they have started to take a turn for the worse on that aspect IMHO. The internet is best left uncensored, grimey, and controversial. I like seeing the best and the absolute worst of people and that's what the internet was good for but so many are trying to fluff it up and sissify it for the easily offended and vanilla normies. Either that or they are trying to make it a place for pure social engineering. JMHO.
Nothing compares to the dirtiest and trolliest of days when Usenet, AOL, and IRC ruled the roost. It was so much fun and interesting.
It is not about censorship, it's about redirection. A place for people to go and spew all their wisdom. And if I were to want some of it, then I go there. I could not care less about people's inclinations or obsessions. But after a long day of work I don't want to come here and have to trip all over them. Just because you have a group of malcontents with nothing else to do.
Ah yes, I was on usenet as a teen and it was a cesspool. Also a lot of fun. Probably tainted me for life, can you tell? At any rate, it was also neatly categorized, and one did not go into certain areas unless fully prepared for battle.
That would be nice, there's probably a lot of things that could be done, and it's been discussed. There are some folks trying to make the questions more diverse, but it's like a sailboat against a tsunami.
We need more people joining. Make it two or three a day if five is too much. if enough people are doing this it will make a change. Ive given it three weeks soon with at least five a day, but alone or with only a few it won't make a difference for twenty alike political questions at a time. I could do the same but doesn't like asking questions like that. Meh.
I've been like you Karen, but after complaining like the OP, and having a few holy ones on my neck, reading JA's effort to suggest us how to deal with the issue creating her aM diversity question group I chose to make an effort and drop complaining. I've asked at least five questions a day in almost three weeks. It's actually easier than you'd think. However, I cannot do it alone and need more people helping me and the few others doing an active effort to create more diversity in the questions. My questions will also just provide a very one-sided input/output. The more we are contributing, the more diversity will be at hand. If five is too much, make it three, or two. It's still better than none.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 3, 2017 1:47 PM MST
It's not a jab. It's providing my view on it, and my experience after a few weeks asking at least five ques a day. Isn't it what we are looking for, most of us?
I didn't picture you as the passive aggressive type JA. I see where the mods attitude comes from now.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 2, 2017 12:21 PM MST
I have responded to your question in about 100 different ways at this point. I've even gone so far as to create a group to inspire people to make the changes they want to see. There's a big box at the top of the member home page for it, but only two people joined and actually tried to help. This has been my ongoing philosophy the whole time. The site is what members make of it.
The political questions are mostly people complaining about politics and in what I've seen, your response to that was to start asking complaint-based questions. Is that the change you want? To replace political questions with people griping about stuff?
You, and everyone here, has the ability to change the tone of the site. My image was not indicative of me invalidating a complaint. If it was, I would not have addressed this issue before, nor would I have put forth the effort to create a positive group dedicated to inspiring people to make the changes they want to see. Complaints don't help. If you want to complain, knock yourself out, but it's futile. That's what the image means. If you want change, maybe you should stop asking passive aggressive questions and be that change.