This isn't even rap. At least with rap, there's music and the words go to the beat. This is just off-key speech. D:
Err, actually Alf, doesn't it stop qualifying as music when you turn forty?
I didn't wait even that long - the first wave of pure disco music arrived when I was still in my 20s, with its monotonous "tshh-thud, tshh-thud" hi-hat-&-bass-drum beat, and I was not impressed!
I thought the music of Saturday Night Fever grim, and felt the Bee-Gees had sold out, until hearing such material again more recently and thinking it a breath of lively fresh air and youthful exuberance after all the depressingly self-reductive miasma of rap-with-a-silent-'c' and Beyonce's Best B-side Back-catalogue.
If I'm right that pop has reached its own fifty-year plateau, like predecessor popular-music styles, I wonder what AM-ers will be deriding in 2067?