Discussion»Questions»Health and Wellness» I assume there are NO REPUBLICANS who have participated in AHCA. Correct? So when it goes away they won't care will they?
EVERYBODY will need health care at some point in their lives. If we allow people to opt out of the health care system, they will. That shifts the cost of their health care (which they WILL need at some point) to other people.
If RAWFs don't like that provision, perhaps they should allow people to post a bond guaranteeing payment of their health care costs (similar to how the state of California allows people to opt out of car insurance if they wish to).
I see. Well why not go without the safety net on moral grounds? Pay the dam* t ax! Stand up for your principles!. Whatcha gotta lose m2c? Your life? It's not that important. What is important is vilifying the AHCA and supporting the GOP view that having no insurance coverage at all is better than having the AHCA. May you forever hold on to that thought and may you never die because of it. Thank you for your reply.
It defies logic, but many people who consider themselves Republicans (and voted for Trump), are among the working poor, and even those who receive government benefits. Either their upbringing, lack of intellect, religious beliefs or personal prejudices (most likely a combination of these things) prevent them from understanding that Republicans are pleased with the enormous wealth/income gap, and very much want to keep the working poor just that.
Actually, this is pretty common. It is the genius of the Vast Right Wing Echo Chamber propaganda machine.
The VRWEC repeats language over and over and over again until we end up with people saying, "Keep the Dabgum Gubmint's Hands off my Medicare!" or a relatively intelligent AMer parrots the "rammed it down our throats" talking point.
Meanwhile, if Americans are polled about the ACTUAL PROVISIONS of health care reform (no denials for existing conditions, allowing young adults to stay on parents' coverage to age 26, etc.), those provisions are INCREDIBLY POPULAR.
They are stupid SA. There is no other reason for the ridiculousness of it! They voted against their own best interests. If that isn't stupid I don't know what is. Thank you for your thoughtful answer! :)