They matter to me
I think the overwhelming evidence is not all lives matter EQUALLY, and the situation is fundamental to the human condition.
We are capable of being truly caring for about a dozen people (about the size of a family). We are capable of being knowledgable and empathetic for the plight of about 150 people (the typical size of a proto-human hunter-gatherer tribe). Beyond 150 people, other people are largely abstractions to us, and we don't give those abstractions equal emotional weight.
Mix in a little Rational Prejudice (e.g. "Lower Elbonians commit more crimes and violence than others. Therefore, I will be extra suspicious when dealing with Lower Elbonians"), and the results are what we see in reality.
The great challenge for humanity going forward (and we ARE getting better at it, despite recent setbacks) is to find a way to make all of those abstract people matter more and more equally to us.
"All lives matter" is an empty platitude. It means nothing the majority of the time people say it. It's hardly even worth repeating.
i think lives matter except maybe for people like hitler
The Democrats and Obama proved that when they passed the PPACA. What's your problem?
I thought this site was going to be better than yahoo. It's not. Same bunch of racists, fascists and other weirdos as this question proves.
I think I've had more than enough of American neo-facists like you!