I know many agree that something should replace the current health-care law should all or parts of it be repealed and would love to hear some opinions of Rand Paul's proposed replacement plan. He outlined the key points in an interview last night... Thoughts?
Hello F:
He dodged the question about pre-existing conditions, saying that if people bought their insurance in LARGE associations, pre-existing conditions would NOT be a problem.. What he DIDN'T say in clear English, is that under his plan, insurance companies will be FORCED to sell insurance to sick people. In my view, if they're not FORCED to sell to sick people, they won't..
He also said, that if the repeal of Obamacare did NOT include the repeal of the part that FORCES insurance companies to ALLOW parents to keep their kids on their insurance till age 26, it would NOT be included in his plan..
He also acknowledges that you can't pay for sick people unless healthy people buy insurance. He thinks CHEAP insurance that'll be available across state lines will be cheap enough so that young people WILL buy insurance..
Good luck with that..