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Should I take this job?

     I'm in colorado and for the past 5 yrs since ive been living here its hard for me to find a job, at least one I can keep, and yes ive kept other jobs in the past. I've literally been living on zero income and i mean literally.

     I sometimes apply for nanny jobs and now I have this one family that just had a baby interested in me. They seem like really nice people too. I cant get anything going here. I have hud housing but dont really like where i live. cant make any friends here , not even to have so much as a cup of coffee with so i rarely get to do stuff with people. theyre in texas. 
     Ive been in school lately but Im on academic probation again so Im afraid if I dont take this chance I'll lose out on school too, never been book smart. theyre mostly interested in me. I know cause Ive asked if they were interviewing others. guess they like im a citizen, the others werent. theyre a christian family too which i like that. theyre willing to pay my airfare and moving costs too.

      I feel like I have nothing here anyways and wouldnt be risking much since i have nothing but Im just scared to do it. Im living on just food stamps, medicaid, hud and grants which i'll probably lose anyways since im not doing great in school. i love babies so that wont be an issue. so Im wondering if you were me would you take it? they need me in mid feb and i dont have much competition. I think they want me and no one else. Its hard to make decisions like this. any suggestions? i dont think i'll be homesick, hate this place and also the snow and ice. always wanted to be in the warmer climates anyways.

      Right now Im also have construction going on outside a lot which makes it hard for me to do school stuff at home anyways.

Posted - January 11, 2017


  • Well, you do need to be careful.. I think the big thing is if they DO pay your airfare... that would definitely be an indication that they are serious.. Once you have the money then that will tell you a lot..  

    I don't see you have much to lose, but people arent always all they say they are... so you will need to keep talking to them and make sure you really do feel you can trust them... I guess I find it hard to imagine they cannot find someone nearer who will be suitable.. so that worries me a bit and you do hear horrible stories about people who lure people in then...  so I'd be looking all the time for signs they are genuine.. like pics of the baby, stories about the baby, what the baby likes, what makes the baby happy, how the baby sleeps, eats etc.. as if they DONT talk about the baby that would worry me... as in it might not be real... 

    Will you get to meet them before the job?  as in for an interview and make sure you like them and they like you?  If you do then again you would be looking to make sure you feel comfortable around them, see where you would live, etc etc. 

    I know you have had some disappointments in the past with work and people letting you down... 
      January 11, 2017 4:20 PM MST

  • 11586
    Personally, I would not give up everything and go to a new place to work for and (I assume) live with complete strangers. However, some people do. Have a plan in place for what you will do if it doesn't work out. Where will you go? How will you support yourself?
      January 11, 2017 4:30 PM MST

  • 7939
    Just curious, how did you meet this family? I don't trust this at all. Something feels very wrong. The could find someone local. There is a 1000% chance they could find someone local? Why are they looking into someone far away? I doubt that this is even a little legit. They're either scammers looking to squeeze what money they can from you or they've got plans for you that don't involve child care- not good plans. 
      January 11, 2017 6:22 PM MST

  • 22891
    its thru a nanny agency
      January 11, 2017 7:28 PM MST

  • 7939
    Does this nanny agency have a real footprint? Can you find them on the BBB? Can you read reviews about them? Can you verify that the person you're talking to is really with that agency? If the agency is real and is legit, what protections do they offer? What happens if it doesn't work with this family?

    Again, I see no reason why anyone wouldn't hire locally. It still feels like a scam to me.
      January 11, 2017 8:13 PM MST

  • 17660
    Pearl if you give up your HUD housing you may never be able to get it again.  Transfer you Section 8 and find an apartment in Texas.   It's not like if this doesn't work out you can go back to your previous set of circumstances........................your present situation will be gone. 

    Find a job locally and don't give up what you have.

    Being a nanny will not give you time for a big social life anyway.

    That's my gut feeling and advice.

    You asked. 

    As always, I wish for the best for you.
      January 12, 2017 2:02 AM MST

  • pearl, I agree 100% with JA on this. It sounds very fishy to me. As a parent, I would never EVER hire someone to watch my child without a face to face interview. This just has SCAM written all over it. Read this: http://www.thefrisky.com/2012-07-30/girl-talk-i-was-the-victim-of-an-internet-nanny-scam/ and do some research on this subject on your own as well. Have you spoken with this woman on the phone, or has it all been through emails? There are too many red flags on this, I am very suspicious of the whole thing.  Also, like Thrifty said, if you give up your housing and benefits, you probably won't be able to get them back. Even IF this is legit, that's a lot to be giving up for a lot of unknowns. My 'Spidey' senses are telling me this is a scam though. If they send you a check or money-order to cover your expenses, I bet they will tell you they sent you too much just like in the article I posted, and the check or money order will probably be fake as well. Please check this out thoroughly before you decide on anything. I don't want you to fall victim to internet scammers. 

      January 12, 2017 3:06 AM MST