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Would you speak up in this case to boss?

The woman I provide part time child care for is kind and flexible on the whole.. her son is so cute and so smart and I do enjoy teaching and caring for him. I am someone who is a bit shy about speaking up though; I often just let things 'go' for the sake of being agreeable. I am unsure whether I do have the right with only part time shifts to say that I need a set schedule; I never know what time I'm getting ou t.  IN the beginning she told me sometimes, she'd be late, running just a half hour late than normal. But now it is very typical for once a week that she's running late, and some days, she could arrive early , or again, late. I don't want to seem ungrateful for the position, and want to be 'available' like I said I would be if she was late, but would you say, 'It would be beneficial for me to know what time I'm leaving' ? I have had to cancel two things already b/c she was late. another thing I'd like to bring up to her is how she overrides what I say to the child , in the case of running.. he is only a toddler and prone to falling here or there. So i tell him not to run, and then she'll say, 'mom says you can run', right in front of me... after we had already talked about why I ask him not to run. I am unsure how to use my voice, or not.... any tips welcome...

Posted - January 11, 2017


  • 5354
    In this case I would speak up, but in a non-judgemental way "please tell me when you will be back. It is so nice to know in advance how I can use the rest of the night" or something like that.
      January 12, 2017 12:52 AM MST

  • 1138
    Thanks Jakob that is a great idea ... :) 
      January 12, 2017 9:57 AM MST

  • 22891
    i would talk to her about it
      January 12, 2017 3:56 PM MST

  • 2465
    Didn't you have a similar situation with your boss about not having a set schedule, i.e, she'd tell you she might need you to work a specific day, but she wouldn't confirm it and you were having to contact her to confirm?  Didn't you work out that problem with her?  People gave you advice on what you could do, but it appears it's continuing. If you don't work to alleviate the problem, you're   part of the problem.  
      January 13, 2017 6:14 AM MST