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Do people *really* still think Trump is smart?? Seriously, I don't get it! He's at best unable to determine a double negative! Smart??

Sorry for another political one but this goes deeper.. into whether PET IS smart ... I've seen people maintaining he is.. yet the man talks like a village idiot and has very limited vocabulary... 

His latest gem, "I have nothing to do with Russia - no deals, no loans, no nothing!"  - seriously??? He said that??? And he doesn't see anything wrong with it?  Is that not a double negative I see there?  A basic grammatical error almost no one with a reasonable basic education would make...  

Then he goes on to accuse people of acting like Nazis... erm I don't recall the Nazis compiling dossiers about presidents?  SO it's a loopy idiot thing to say.. and the thing is he seems entirely oblivious to his stupidity?  

I just cannot help but feel a SMART man would talk like,.... a smart man.  Men and women who are intelligent don't make such basic grammatical errors...  

It doesn't take smarts to run a business.. just takes power and advantage.. often success is based on bullying, threats etc. and there are enough accusations against Trump along those lines... 

It doesn't take smarts to win an election.. it just takes a lot of people even stupider to vote for him...

Trump will say one thing, have it in print or film then deny he said it.. that's sure not smart! It's dumb!  And this is a man who supposedly benefited from a good education? Well you can educate as much as you like but if someone doesn't have the intelligence to understand it, then it's all for nowt.  

Posted - January 12, 2017


  • 372
    Trump has a certain urban savvy absorbed from the New York City mileau. This urban savviness contributes to survival in a big city and consists primarily of swagger and learning how to put one over on your neighbor. Lying is the chief skill.

    As to genuine deep intelligence, Trump doesn't have it. You've pointed out some examples of this lack. There are many more. Chief being his inability to discuss any important topics in depth since he lacks understanding in these areas. Note how his campaign was constantly jingoistic without any seriousness that could pin him to a position - other than the absurdities his followers loved. 

    There is a well-researched psychological trait - the phenomenon that low intelligence people, unaware of their low intelligence, believe they are of high intelligence. It's poorly understood why some people are like this, it may be a form of compensation.

    For a better description, see the Dunning-Kruger Effect on Google.

    Trump is a classic example.
      January 12, 2017 9:53 AM MST

  • snigger urban savvy eh? but yes, you are exactly right! Thank you for explaining it better than I could; what he has got is bravado and dumb luck :P 
      January 12, 2017 9:57 AM MST

  • 10052
    Perfect assessment! Well said.
      January 12, 2017 10:03 AM MST

  • 22891
    some people seem to think so, i dont really know enough about him to judge
      January 12, 2017 11:30 AM MST

  • He's smart in a manipulative way.  He's not dumb and he knows what he is doing to get to HIS ends.  Now is he  thinker?  No.  Is his knowledge limited?  Absolutely.  His intelligence mostly lies in ability to read his obstacles and how to manipulate them out of his way.

    He does have a skill set and in it he is much more proficient than you or I are or probably ever will be.  Is that skill set enough to be President?  I personally don't think so.  Yet, I wouldn't say he doesn't have certain smarts about him or that he is dumb.  That would be a gross misunderstanding of him and how to deal with him.  He's not a genius, but hes not a complete idiot either.  If he was then his opposition is full of even bigger ones.

      January 12, 2017 12:01 PM MST