My aunt recently had surgery and during her first month of recovery I texted her a kind, heartfelt message saying I was thinking of her, and would like to visit/ see her, etc. Never heard any text , call or email back. She was posting to others on social media each day, but never me. I have NEVER been unkind to her, crass, rude etc. I do remember once her saying in frontof another fam. member , 'call me, dont' text.'. in a command like way (years ago).. Now thinking back on that, she 'may' have not returned my inquiries b/c i didn't 'call' ?? To me, if someone reaches out in a kind , caring manner it has NO bearing 'how ' they did it. Today she landed in the hospital again and this morning I texted her, I'm so sorry, what has happened, what did they say?, no reply again all day. Do I not continue contact? I feel so low and slighted when she never replied to me before, yet still inquired today, and still shows no reply to me. I'm unsure what to do.. :/