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Were our founders LIBS, and is the Constitution is a LIBERAL document?? Well, of COURSE it is..

Hello, Constitution lovers:

Would a right wing congress pass a law giving accused criminals a lawyer PAID for by the government???

Would a right wing congress pass a law that kept religion OUT of government??

Would a right wing congress pass a law that told cops they COULDN'T search people WITHOUT a warrant???

Would a right wing congress pass a law that ALLOWED people to take to the streets to COMPLAIN about the government??

Would a right wing congress pass a law that said PORN is legal??

Our founders did ALL of those things, and more - much more.  That's liberal stuff, right??    


Posted - January 17, 2017


  • Close, but a bit different:
      January 17, 2017 7:28 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello Karen:

    It's true..  I coulda worded it better.  They WEREN'T liberal..  But, they WROTE the Constitution as if they were..

    excon This post was edited by excon at January 17, 2017 7:36 AM MST
      January 17, 2017 7:34 AM MST

  • Yep, they believed in equality and freedoms. 
      January 17, 2017 7:36 AM MST

  • 2960
    I guess you answered this yourself.
      January 17, 2017 7:43 AM MST

  • 17641
    Nope.  They just did not want an England, Jr. 
      January 17, 2017 3:18 PM MST

  • 46117
    There is not one person alive that can tell you what our forefathers where really like or what they thought about a thing. 

    You would first of all have to live in that time to even understand the though processes and all the history that had affected each one of these WHITE men's lives to make them think as they did. 

    We really don't know.  They may have been saints, they may have been rapists, they may have been dumb as a post.  We have images. That is all.  Now we are basing our government and how it is run by images that are ghosts of 200 years ago when we didn't have one thing similar to life as we live it today?  Did they have minimum wage back then?  Did they have women voting?  Did they have gay rights?  Abortion?

    No.  So, let's  think for ourselves NOW and see what works.  TODAY not when Uncle Tom's slaves were scrubbing your floors.
      January 17, 2017 3:26 PM MST