Says who? Speak for yourself. There are plenty of these qualities to be found if one endeavors honestly to seek them out. None of these things is liable to just fall on you, particularly if you persist in seeing the world in such negative terms. There is a condition called "self-fulfilling prophecy", in that once your mind is set to perceive things a certain way, this is how they will appear to you. Combine this notion with "confirmation bias", which is when events are selectively interpreted to support one's biased view. This, sadly, is the historical MO of every religion. These thought processes are by no means necessary, nor unchangeable. Seek to adjust your perspective.
Life is short, and yes, terrible things happen and rotten people abound, but to write off the whole of life, this brief, miraculous period of consciousness, as irredeemable and worthless, is so obtuse and thoughtless as to be a waste of life in itself. You have the power to make happiness for yourself, unless of course, you live in a theocracy; absent that, get up off your pouting backside and go find the joy and wonder that life holds.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 19, 2017 8:15 AM MST
You might as well enjoy it, Tropical, because this is the only life you're going to get. Merlin (in Mary Stewart's trilogy) said,"If you put yourself in the way of the gods, magic can happen."
Your life can be like that. Do something. Be something. Participate! Don't be a tourist. There's lots of great stuff and many great people within your reach: look for them! It's your choice.
Basically, none of us really had a choice to be here or not so nonetheless, here we are so we must make the best of it and try to make the world a little better in our own way so we can leave it in better shape than when we arrived. Life is full of questions but not all questions have a clear answer like this so one day when you get upstairs, ask God this question. Now many will say we are here for a reason, which may be true for many but some have to really question why they are here as there never seems to be a reason