Discussion » Questions » Science and Technology » If you don't remember something then it never happened as far as you're concerned. Who takes exception to that? How perfect is YOUR memory?

If you don't remember something then it never happened as far as you're concerned. Who takes exception to that? How perfect is YOUR memory?

Posted - January 19, 2017


  • That's a painful question to answer, Rosie. My memory used to be excellent. Then I got old. Now it has more holes than a Pastafarian colander. 

      January 19, 2017 11:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    In 2008 I jousted with cancer and won. I was told that one of the side effects was loss of memory. Not that it always happened but it could happen. Well it has happened. I have lost count of the friendly arguments I've had with my Jim who tells me about things I "KNOW" never happened. The memories of them are simply gone completely. So if someone talks to me about stuff like that am I lying when I say it  never happened or am I just suffering from a condition that causes me to not remember? I think the small orange man suffers from severe memory loss. That's why he keeps contradicting himself. He simply doesn't remember from day to day what he said. Either that or he is a compulsive liar.  Anyway I love the picture. The collander is quite stylish. I love the smile. It makes me happy! Is that sweet lady someone you know? Thank you for your reply
      January 20, 2017 3:00 AM MST

  • First, congratulations on beating your cancer. I had my bout 2 years after you, also with good results. It's good to put it behind you.

    The lady with the colander is just somebody I picked up from the Internet. If yoiu don't know about the Pastafarians (we worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster) check out their web site at http://www.venganza.org. It's just a bit of fun. 

    My memory problems simply come from old age. I'll be 80 in a couple of months and for the past three years I've begun growing old, physically and mentally. Not major problems but smallish, incapacitating ones (like the spears a picador sticks in a bull to make him mad). Not a problem, it happens to all of us when we get old. Beats hell out of the alternative. 

    You and Jim need a dog. Then when something happens that neither of you wants to own you blame the dog. Our dog is happy to take responsibility for all manner of impossible things so that we don't have to admit what we did or blame each other. 

    And in case you thought I was making it up about the flying spaghetti monster, here's a photograph of hiis noodliness that somebody took when he visited Colorado recently. 

      January 20, 2017 3:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    Congrats right back atcha for your beating the BIG C as well! Well I'm 79 and Jim is 81. I've heard of the Pastafarians and I will look it up. That is an awesome photo. Real or manufactured? I agree with thee 100%. Growing old ain't for wimps but it sure beats the he** outta the alternative. I know I've slowed down physically. I don't want my brain to slow down though. I play "Bespelled" addictively. It's a simple Scrabble-like board game that I play offline on the computer daily. I think that helps. My mom became senile as she aged and died at age 95. I don't know if senility is genetic. That's just something I fear. Also of course I come to Answermug daily for some mind exercises. I don't engage with jerks so I don't do battle with time-wasters.  I do ask a lot of questions of course and sometimes the brilliant, thoughtful, informative answers I get knock my socks off. So I'm addicted to that potential as well and I never know when it will bless me with its presence. Answermug is very cathartic for me.  I work out things that bother me. I don't really expect replies to all the questions I ask. I ask them to get rid of them or they will hound me mercilessly. Jim plays golf and tennis regularly. I am not physically inclined like that. Never have been. It's great that he has something athletic he loves to do and is able to continue doing it as he gets older. It takes a lot of patience though and I am notoriously impatient. Not very helpful in any endeavor, least of all sports. I'm happy for him that he has those outlets and he is happy for me that I have Answermug. I had Answerbag before that and of course I never left it...it left me. That's life. Nothing is forever! Thank you for your reply and the graphics  Didge! :)
      January 20, 2017 4:04 AM MST