Discussion»Questions»Books and Literature» I think the ".....for Dummies" books are insulting. I have never bought one. Have you? Why? Don't they have instruction books for smarties?
The only instruction the smarties needed was how to write books for the dummies. And the Lord must love a dummy for he made so many or we'd all be writing books.
I have never bought one. It wouldn't matter as I can barely follow the instructions for making a bowl of cereal.
This post was edited by Element 99 at January 22, 2017 11:33 AM MST
Sure! I bought the two I showed you. I love going to the book store: a huge Barnes and Noble. #1. The book of drawing--I know how to draw, but I wanted to see what other techniques I could pick up. The book was in the art section. #2. I was looking for a book about nationalism in the Middle East. This is all I could find. It's a quick, short review.
A long time ago, I bought Excel for Dummies. I bought it because it explained everything better than the other books did. Yes it showed exactly what I was trying to learn.