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What kind of bush or tree did Elijah go to sleep under in Kings 19:3-5 ?

In Kings 19.3-5(NIV) Elijah falls asleep under a broom bush
In Kings 19.3-5(KJV) Elijah falls asleep under a juniper tree
In Kings 19.3-5(CEV) Elijah falls asleep under a large bush
In Kings 19.3-5(ASV) Elijah falls asleep under a juniper tree

In Danish bibles Elijah falls asleep under a 'gyvel' bush

I first noticed it in Danish because a 'Gyvel' gives so little protection that it is not worth sleeping under. Thin spread out branches that rain, sun and wind goes right through.
So I checked King James and found 'Juniper tree' which is even less protection, Junipers typically form a vertical column of thin straight branches with tiny needles on them, You might as well lay down next to a telephone pole.

'Gyvel' and Juniper both have long bendy branches and were used for sweeping in medieval days.

So: What kind of bush or tree did Elijah go to sleep under?

Posted - January 22, 2017


  • 2658
    Elijah and the broom tree in 1 Kings.
      January 22, 2017 10:41 AM MST

  • 13395
    Under a tamarisk tree which produces a resin that falls to the ground.  Tastes like manna so that would probably  be Elijah's breakfast when he awoke. 
      January 22, 2017 5:21 PM MST

  • 1326
    The broom tree  the following is from the publication "insight in the scriptures"

    [Hebrew, ro'them] 

    The broom tree (retama raetam) is in reality a desert shrub from the pea family. The corresponding Arabic name  (raetam aids in identifying the plant and shows the rendering "juniper tree" in the king James version to be incorrect.
    This bush is one of the most abundant plands of the Judean peninsula, as well as the rest of Arabia, and is found in ravines, in rocky places, on hillsides, and even in open sand stretches of desert areas, where its roots sink  deep to draw up moisture. It grows from about 1 to 4 m (3 to 13 ft)in height, with numerous thin, rod like branches and narrow straight leaves. When blossoming, the small clusters of delicate flowers,, ranging in color from white to pink, makeep a lovely sight as they carpet the otherwise barren hillsides. The Hebrew name for the plant (ro'them) evidently comes from a root word meaning "attach", perhaps referring to its ability to hold back sand dunes. According to Pliny, its branches were used for binding. --- Natural History,  XXIV,XL, 65.

    When Elijah fled into the wilderness to escape Jezebel's wratth , the record at 1 kings 19:4,5 says, he "sat down under a certain broom tree" and then slept there. While the smaller broom trees would provide very scanty shade from the burning sun of the wilderness, one of good size could give welcome relief. This desert bush also served as fuel. The wood of the broom tree makes excellent charcoal, which burns with an intense heat. This post was edited by Autumnleaves at February 9, 2017 9:10 AM MST
      January 27, 2017 5:53 PM MST