A guy who lifted up his shirt while pulling up a chair to my table once, stroking his chest... well, my friend and I were 'kind' of out 'fishing' for guys lol... and this was Weird. Lol. Oh, and for fishing, I have only been once !! :P
I've run across my share of rays which are relaly more beautiful than strange. But for the strangest? That's gonna be a Balmain Bug which is an ugly salt water crayfish but beautiful to eat.
They're very similar. Once upon a time there was no real market for our Bugs because they looked awful. When the word got around they became as expensive as lobsters. In fact, I think they're a better food.
At the time my intent was not to catch fish but to windsurf. While gliding along I spotted a fish near the surface ahead, and as I passed by I reached down and grabbed it.
Once out deep sea fishing here in the Atlantic I looked down and saw what looked like half a shark but it was still swimming along with the boat. I asked the captain about it, he looked over the side, and said, Oh, that's an ocean sunfish. Dampeculiar lookin'.