Discussion»Questions»Health and Wellness» Some folks are vulnerable/susceptible to everything. Others are immune. "Alternative facts" f'r instance. Some embrace them. Why?
Some folks are vulnerable/susceptible to everything. Others are immune. "Alternative facts" f'r instance. Some embrace them. Why?
I do not know for sure what gives some folks complete and total immunity from societal diseases like belief in conspiracy theories and other lies while others are so sensitive to them and accept all of them unquestioningly. Do you?
I never accept one thing unless I have confirmation.
Confirmation comes in this package. I want proof. POSITIVE that what I am seeing and thinking is accurate.
I don't care how many people think that Elvis is alive. I know Elvis is dead.
I don't care how many people believe the moon landing was a hoax. I lived during those days. It is not a hoax. No one even thought like that back then.
We are so used to being lied to and fed a ton of lies since birth, no wonder people have no respect for what passes as the truth.
Common sense is just not an effective tool for some people.