He's definitely got one! Check out some of the other answers. I'll be interested to see who comes up with what, and how much I contribute myself. Depends on the mood of the answers.
I think humans have an aura,when we see a sad person his aura would look rather gray, dim and dismal. I think humans can 'feel' aura of suppressed desire,seething anger, some people are born with psychic insight,and maintain it throughout their lifetime. They can see and feel the aura more!
The good news is that you don't need to be psychic. It can be seen with the eye if the conditions are right. I wonder whether the impact made at a live performance is so much better than that of a video because of some kind of auric contact?
Mavis is a music megastar in Nora Roberts's "In Death" series. In the book I'm reading at the moment she's enormously pregnant and loving every minute of it.
Nah. There's a trick to it and it doesn't have a thing to do with diet. In the right lighting, at the right distance, you can see them with your peripheral vision -- that is, your night vision. I ran the idea past am optometrist who confirmed my theory. It works best if you get a few people together because one of the group is going to get there faster than the others; then, once one person gets a sighting and the others realise you don't have to be special, they relax and begin seeing them too.
I am a feeler...of auras that is.. I can feel things about people.. their intentions etc.. but yes I think people have auras, or can do.. I can't see them but I can feel them and I think feeling is easier but that's another story :P
It's this New Age thing. Bad kids and kids with ADD are special higher level humans with indigo auras but not as high as the crystal kids who are second to the rainbow kids.