You might try kratom. It is a mild opioid that is legal and has been effective in eliminating leg cramps for me during the night. Should be available in your area or online if you can find a reliable source.
Talk about leg cramps during the night. In the calf muscles of both legs at once. I would wake up screaming in pain. Tried everything from acupuncture to Chinese herbs. Then more acupuncture. Nothing seemed to work. But He knew something was blocking the flow of energy. One day my Chinese Dr after i asked him for something to eliminate the gas, said AHA!! the gas is blocking the chi Finally figured out that the gas I that was having was blocking the chi to the legs and causing the cramps. now i seem to be able to control it. But when i go to bed i wake up three hours later with the muscles twitching. Get up and take some stuff for gas, after belching the gas out etc. i can return to sleep for another hour or two. This took me years to figure out working with diet etc. So good to hear that there is something out there for people that suffer leg cramps... glad you found something that works. They are very painful. For me both calf muscles would be tight as a baseball and hard to work out... Good health be with you. cheers
Thanks.. I did try medical marijuana and that was effective (I made tea) but after while I began getting nasty hallucinations. Don't know why because should be no THC in MM.
About 3 grams of kratom every few days works for me.
Ok I have done a fair bit of research on kratom. I just use the least I need to be effective. 3 grams feels like about 2 beers but much nicer sensation and does not make me want more like beer would.
I used to get migraines stopped eating everything and migraines stopped as it turned out my allergy was food born. as soon as i had a cup of peppermint tea i would get a migraine. Peppermint tea was something i had consumed for years, until one day...