Another Pleasant Valley Sunday Here In Status Symbol Land
Either my Audi or my iPhone. Both work pretty well as status symbols. Now all I need is a Rolex...
No one NEEDS a Rolex. LOL
That is an excellent answer and one I neglected to think about. I am reminded of the "mothers" in Arizona that buy Chinese babies. They stress and gnash their teeth worrying that they won't get a fresh pick of the Chinese litter.
After all, who can blame them? They are so cute and everyone wants one. Like a puppy.
What a bunch of no-mind phonies, passing themselves off as maternal caregivers.
There are literally millions of children in the USA that need families. But, they are not in STYLE?
A double-wide mobile home.
I don't need status symbols. Things mean nothing to me other than those needed to live by. My Son and Daughter are symbols that I did my job well in that they are doing well raising their own children That Is all I need.
Element ~ I agree totally!!
If I won a million dollars I would feel ashamed to look rich, and have status symbols. I think us Christians should give our money away to spread the gospel, and feed the poor. If I got an expensive car as a present like a BMW, Audi, Porche. etc. I would sell and buy a small safe regular car, and give the rest away.
I agree. I think it IS easier to get kids from another country. That is not why they do it. They do it because they can tell their friends they got one.
I'm serious.
But the fact that it is such a huge pain to adopt, may factor in as well. I can now complain about that, which needs to change drastically. We need families, not adoption agencies who take their sweet time and charge insane money just to care for a child needing good parents. The scary part is there is no telling who the kids wind up with. Real parents fit into this complaint as well.
I want that too.
Do you have a shoe collection?
If that makes you happy, then maybe THAT is your status symbol. The status of being smug about your self-righteous speechifying about something you are not even doing.
How do you know what you would do if someone laid a million on you?
What you are doing is what counts, not what you think you will do.
Not working at Wal Mart. I'll soon lose my status symbol.
You are right that we need to think about what we are doing. I think God blesses us when we tithe and give. I am trying to encourage people to think what they are doing with their money to help the world not themselves. I am rather poor, but make quite a bit. I have a good business, but I will never be rich because I believe in tithing at least 10%, and give free services too when I could charge a lot at my business. I am not saying this to be smug or self righteous but to encourage others to not live for their money but for God and helping others, and when we own a business to give free services at times, and lower prices as much as we possibly can. I don't live for this world, I live for the next. God is good and he promises to take good care of us if we do this.And he has.
2 pairs of dress shoes for funerals and weddings...I rarely wear them. A pair of smelly sneakers and a pair of worn out mocs. Is that a collection?
What is with the shoe collection anyway?