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IRONIC! See below what and why. How can anyone be so ignorant of his family history or if knowledgeable so cold/uncaring?

Ivanka Trump's husband, Jared Kushner, has/had a grandmother Rae who in a 1982 interview laments America's refusal to accept Jews who were fleeing the Holocaust . "The doors of the world were closed to us" she said. Yet Kushner apparently ignores what his own family suffered and supports his father-in-law in banning refugees from Syria from coming to America. Does he have no compassion for the Syrian refugees? Refusing them sanctuary is signing a death warrant. Does he not care? Is what his grandmother Rae said in 1982 irrelevant now? How? Shame on him for not confronting his FIL (father-in-law) and telling him that such a ban is  WRONG! Shame on him for not speaking out about that issue.

Posted - February 1, 2017


  • 22891
    not sure why hes doing that but i think its wrong too
      February 1, 2017 9:45 AM MST

  • 113301
     Thank you for your reply pearl and Happy Thursday! :)
      February 16, 2017 1:33 AM MST

  • 1326
    Money, power, and wealth, will corrupt anyone.
      February 15, 2017 10:17 PM MST

  • 113301
      Enough to act against their own family's experience?  You'd think he would at least be able to extrapolate to other refugees who will be killed if they can't find another home. Wouldn't you Autumn? Refugees seeking safety to stay alive are not the same as illegal immigrants who have committed crimes who want to come to America to commit crimes. You have children and old people and good parents and good single people. All they want is life instead of death. It is so heartbreaking and cold and even evil. I will never understand them. You know my favorite line.."What you do to the least of mine you do so me". I believe that completely. I know I'm not the only one. It's just that I'm a nobody. I have no power to change anything. If I did I would. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
      February 16, 2017 1:39 AM MST

  • 1326
    Rosie, I'm  not sure exactly what the statistics are, but we are facing the greatest refugee crisis in human history. By any chance did you see the TV program "nightline"? They did a special on the situation going on right now in Venezuela. I was horrified, and the people of Venezuela are in need of many prayers. In the event there is an influx of Venezuelan refugees or any other foreign refugee the Jehovah's witnesses worldwide  have received bible based instructions as to how we need to welcome them into the communities. We will be receiving further information in the months to come. As long as we are in this old system of things we could also become refugees from a natural disaster. We cannot change anything, only God can and will. Yet we can be sympathetic and empathetic of the plight of the disadvantaged. 
    This is an excerpt from one of our Bible based publications: "though mankind as a whole turned their back on the loving ways of Jehovah God, he did not abandon them. For example, Jehovah God gave the nation of Israel his law to guide them. It taught them to treat others as they themselves would want to be treated...Jehovah epitomized his law by telling the people: "you must love your fellow as yourself," a statement that Jesus later quoted. (Levítico 19:18; Matthew 22:39,40)the law also dealt with the treatment of alien residents among the israelites. The law commanded:" you must not oppress an alien resident, as you yourselves have known the soul of the alien resident, .." in other words the Israelites were to show empathetic kindness to the disadvantaged. (exodus 23:9; levíticus 19:34; Deuteronomy 10:19)
    So true of real Christians. This post was edited by Autumnleaves at February 17, 2017 2:15 AM MST
      February 16, 2017 4:30 PM MST

  • 113301
    Oh Autumn it breaks my heart. I did not see the program you mentioned. But I think of all those children and parents who just want to live. Stay alive. They flee from certain death and they are turned away or worse attacked as being terrorists? I don't believe in an eye for eye but I have to tell you I wish there were some way those who are cold/cruel/uncaring could experience what those refugees experience. I do. Maybe then and only they would realize the magnitude of the harm they do. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply to my question and Happy Friday.  Here are some questions just for you m'dear. Why are some humans so cold-hearted and uncaring while others are the exact opposite? Is it a choice they make? Are they programmed at birth for this terrible behavior? Are they taught to be that way? SIGH.
      February 17, 2017 2:22 AM MST

  • 1326
    Imperfection and inherited sin can wreak havoc on human behavior. Yet, we were all endowed with free will, enabling us to choose between right and wrong. The following is from the Bible based publication "insight in the scriptures" volume 2
    A free moral agent. Being made in God's image, according to his likeness, man was a free moral agent.  He had the freedom of choice to do good or bad. By his willing, loving obedience to his Creator, he was in the position to bring honor and glory to God far beyond that which the animal creation could bring.  He could intelligently praise God for his wonderful qualities and could support his sovereignty. But adam's freedom was a relative freedom; it was not absolute. He could continue to live in happiness only if he acknowledged Jehovah's sovereignty. This was indicated by the tree of knowledge of good and bad, from which Adam was forbidden to eat. Eating of it would be an active of disobedience, a rebellion against God's sovereignty. (Genesis  2:9,16,17)

    Since Adam was a "Son of God" (Luke 3:38), his relationship to God was that of a song to a father, and he should have obeyed accordingly. Additionally, God created in many an innate desire to render worship. This desire, if perverted, would take man in the wrong direction and would destroy his freedom, bringing him into bandage to what was created instead of to the Creator. This, in turn,  would result in man'said degradation. 

    A rebellious spirit son of God caused adam'so wife to sin, and she placed the temptation before adam, who deliberately entered into rebellion against Jehovah. (Genesis 3:1-6; 1timothy 2:13,14) they became like those whom Paul later described in Romans 1:20-23. By his transgression adam lost his sonship and perfection and he introduced sin with imperfection and death, to his offspring, the entire human race. Even at birth, they were in the image of their father adam, imperfect, with death working in their bodies. (Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 5:12) 
    Rosie hope this has helped to answer your questions. Take care11 :) :)
      February 24, 2017 12:36 AM MST

  • 1326
    Imperfection and inherited sin can wreak havoc on human behavior. Yet, we were all endowed with free will, enabling us to choose between right and wrong. The following is from the Bible based publication "insight in the scriptures" volume 2
    A free moral agent. Being made in God's image, according to his likeness, man was a free moral agent.  He had the freedom of choice to do good or bad. By his willing, loving obedience to his Creator, he was in the position to bring honor and glory to God far beyond that which the animal creation could bring.  He could intelligently praise God for his wonderful qualities and could support his sovereignty. But adam's freedom was a relative freedom; it was not absolute. He could continue to live in happiness only if he acknowledged Jehovah's sovereignty. This was indicated by the tree of knowledge of good and bad, from which Adam was forbidden to eat. Eating of it would be an active of disobedience, a rebellion against God's sovereignty. (Genesis  2:9,16,17)

    Since Adam was a "Son of God" (Luke 3:38), his relationship to God was that of a song to a father, and he should have obeyed accordingly. Additionally, God created in many an innate desire to render worship. This desire, if perverted, would take man in the wrong direction and would destroy his freedom, bringing him into bandage to what was created instead of to the Creator. This, in turn,  would result in man'said degradation. 

    A rebellious spirit son of God caused adam'so wife to sin, and she placed the temptation before adam, who deliberately entered into rebellion against Jehovah. (Genesis 3:1-6; 1timothy 2:13,14) they became like those whom Paul later described in Romans 1:20-23. By his transgression adam lost his sonship and perfection and he introduced sin with imperfection and death, to his offspring, the entire human race. Even at birth, they were in the image of their father adam, imperfect, with death working in their bodies. (Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 5:12) 
    Rosie hope this has helped to answer your questions. Take care11 :) :)
      February 24, 2017 12:36 AM MST