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If VETTING means you spend 18 months looking into the background of a person, what does EXTREME VETTING mean??

Posted - February 3, 2017


  • 5614
    Extreme vetting means you ban them when vetting is not possible no matter how long it is taking. How do you vett a person coming from a failed state with no or counterfeit documentation? You can't, so don't let them in until papers are generated on them. I suggest UN camps in their own regions where they must stay for a period of years if need be. Don't let time be the enemy of doing what is responsible. This post was edited by O-uknow at February 3, 2017 7:59 AM MST
      February 3, 2017 7:03 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello O:

    If you CAN'T vett somebody because their background is simply not available, you don't say you DID vett them and let them into the country..  Since we ARE letting them in, and vetting is IMPOSSIBLE as you say, one would have to believe that that's exactly what the security services DID.  And, DID it PURPOSEFULLY to endanger America.. 

    I simply DON'T believe that. 

    Now, I suppose if you BELIEVE that Obama is a Muslim, and his presidency was devoted to DEFEATING America, you COULD believe that..  But, I don't.  I DO believe they CAN be vetted, and SHOULD be vetted like we WERE vetting.  But, no more..

    This post was edited by excon at February 3, 2017 8:04 AM MST
      February 3, 2017 8:03 AM MST

  • It is basically the same, but you give them an energy drink and attach electric cables to their nipples.
      February 3, 2017 7:54 AM MST