A bird should first speak English,then it should be a computer literate and somehow tap the keys of a computer and lastly but most importantly it should be an answer mugger....only then it will know gross injustice meted out to it sighhhh
Yes. Because I read recently that Answer Mug representatives think some women need to get smacked because you know, some women are just pains in the butt.
Some of them deserve a smack right upside the head, according to the powers that be. Does that seem politically correct to you?
Oh, I'm definitely an animal, Alf. My dog thinks I'm a big dog but that's probably because of my beard. But there's more to life than a simple breakdown of animal/mineral//vegetable and we should have a separate category for our feathered friends.
I don't want to say anything out of turn, because I don't run this site. You and I are concerned about questions being in the correct category, but not all the members have been here long enough to realize the benefit of using the different categories. Some members don't think it's that important and don't. Since the site was founded, there have been categories have been used as "catch-alls" and held questions that belonged in other categories that were available. Even now, the "Entertainment" category would be holding most the television and movie questions, even though there is a special category for them. Yes ... TV is entertainment ... like birds are animals. Even after a request, from the site, to use the proper categories, there is still a need for monitoring that practice. Newer members, who don't know the site yet and put everything into the answerMug category. Other members that just pick the first thing looks okay or not. So, what I guess I'm saying is ... subcategories are fine, if they are used, but that's not always the case. I have nothing against birds. :) Message Just Asking and tell her of your concern.
Mea culpa. The whole topic was suggested as a joke. Clearly, it fell flat.
To be serious for a moment, yes I do try to put questions in the appropriate category but sometimes I use the categories to form questions. So I might pick animals and ask five animal questions, or transport, or babies and kids, or books, or whatever, then ask five questions based loosely around that topic. It's just away of tapping into my subconscious to try to find interesting questions. Clearly, this one fell flat. :(