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How can I get some privacy at my place?

         I live in an apartment building and i cant just move cause its hud housing, but i have a neighbor that literally talks all day and night, shes not knocking on my door or anything but shes constantly going in and out of her apt talking to anything that moves. her voice is loud, i might get some quiet for a couple of minutes but then shes at it again, i dont feel like i can say anything cause shes not committing a crime, shes just annoying and her voice is loud, i ran a fan sometimes to muffle it but i still hear it, i already wear earplugs at night, not cause of her but it hurt my ears if i wear them during the day too. Im in school and i cant even do homework and i cant do it at night cause construction guys will bother me early the next morning. its just exhausting to hear someone talking constantly, i know i might have ADD cause i cant tune it out. I might have a job soon so that might help me save money if i want to move or at least get away from her more. anyone else go thru this and how can I stop it? i feel like they might as well be inside my apt, this lady just wont shut up and i have things i need to do, i have to wait till monday to go to the college library and do homework cause theres no way i can do it here.  any suggestions before i lose my mind?

Posted - February 4, 2017


  • Holy, that sucks Pearl.
    I feel for you.
    I have no idea what to do that isn't illegal, I guess you could try to sound proof that wall somehow, but you might have to move or do something to her, but prison's probably even louder.
    You could try to tell her how you feel, just be real nice and maybe she'll be real nice.
    Good luck.
      February 4, 2017 10:08 PM MST

  • Pearl, it's a problem, and it's not likely to go away. Depending on your own attitude, there may be a way to cope. 

    About a year ago the house next door to us was sold to a couple who wanted it for their kids. Their four sons (aged from about 20 to 30) moved in with two girlfriends. They like to play loud music, but that's not the worst of it. On warm nights -- and in our part of Oz that's at least 9 months of the year -- they like to sit outside and talk. Sometimes they drink, but that's not a big factor. Their voices are loud and they call to each other as they move around, often until 2.00 or 3.00 am. They haven't introduced themselves so we dubbed them Big Guy, Young Guy, Fat Guy, and Foul Mouth. 

    So we had a dilemma. We could roust them out, which would probably not have helped much since they're younger than their years; or we could learn to cope with it. 

    And that's what we did. 

    Here's the method -- and it can work for you if you're determined enough, or desperate enough. When your neighbour is talking loudly DO NOT in any circumstances focus on her voice. Don't listen to it. Don't agonise about it. Don't lose your temper. And DON'T become angry. All those things will crank up your emotions and you'll end up with the screamers. 

    You can beat it, but not by getting angry. 

    I'm sorry you're stuck in such a situation. I hope you find a way through it.

      February 4, 2017 11:03 PM MST

  • 5808
    first if it were me,
    I would insulate your adjoining wall.
    Egg cartons, blankets, whatever.
    You know those moving van blankets that they cover up the furniture with?
    Those are cheap and work VERY well.
    Then at your door have something at the bottom to block out sound.
    maybe one of those furniture covers covering the door as well.
    have done this myself, so it works.

      February 5, 2017 4:17 PM MST

  • I have no idea. My neightbours do not disturb me.
      July 22, 2017 10:42 PM MDT