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What can'tcha getchure head around? Why?

Posted - February 8, 2017


  • 10026
    As much as I've tried to incorporate it into my vocabulary, I can't get my head around using the opening statement, "my/your head around."  Please don't take offense Rosie.  This is not an attack on you.  This is how it doesn't work for me. :)  You are very competent and communicate beautifully.  But, for some reason, it doesn't fit in to the rhythm of my speech pattern.  Adding "I can't get my head around" seems futile.

    It turns a question into a statement. Why make yourself sound incompetent? Just ask the question. You'll look and sound much more intelligent by asking directly. This post was edited by Merlin at February 9, 2017 1:01 PM MST
      February 8, 2017 2:02 PM MST

  • Interesting to hear your thoughts Merlin.  Personally I don't have a problem with getting my head round the question, 'what can't you get our head around?' :P  
      February 8, 2017 3:18 PM MST

  • 10026
    Hi DaydreambelieverTrumpDisbeliever~  It's hard for me to use that certain opening for a question I might be asking someone. It doesn't bother me at all when other people do.  I just can't seem to get it to work for me :)
    Here's an example:
    Merlin, why did you choose a red frame for the sunset picture? I can easily answer this question because I understand what they are asking.  I can say, because it picks up the red in the picture.
    If a person has the same inquisition and  says, "Merlin, I just can't wrap my head around the red frame on the sunset picture."  I'm not sure what they are asking, Sometimes I find it difficult to search out the question.  That's all.  It's by now means a bad thing to say.  It's very popular these days.  I just can't seem to make it work for me. This post was edited by Merlin at February 9, 2017 9:23 AM MST
      February 8, 2017 6:20 PM MST

  • 113301
    :):):)  Thanks honey! I used your name without permission in my response to Merlin. I hope you don't mind. I appreciate that you ALWAYS watch my back DdbTD! I owe ya! :)
      February 9, 2017 2:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    Here's the thing Merlin. I was an English major. I KNOW how I am supposed to communicate PROPERLY. However I am 79 years old and I like to play with my language. I  believe the point of language is to communicate. If you understand the question I asked then I communicated, correct? Now the fact that you would prefer the question to be in the proper form so I will look and sound more intelligent is of no consequence to me. I am what I am and who I am just like Popeye! If I don't click up my heels and take chances and push the envelope and dare to color outside the lines now when will I? I always ask the questions I want to ask and I present them in the packaging of my choice. Some people are annoyed by it (you for example are annoyed on this occasion). Some folks don't care one way or the other. Some folks who know me and have engaged/interacted with me for years tell me they enjoy it. I cannot please everyone so I simply please me. If others are pleased that's a bonus. But if I live my life trying to please others when will it be my turn to please me? I suggest that you avoid the questions that annoy you and respond to those that don't. Years ago someone on Answerbag (where I was for many years)  told me how I could "improve" my questions. I told him I don't take requests and I don't ask questions by consensus. Would you write to any author telling him/her how changing the style of writing would cause him/her to sound more competent? More intelligent? So why are you writing to me?  Am I not worth the same respect? As you might have gathered this is and always has been a very sore point with me. Not the "suggestions" of how I can improve how I articulate/express/engage. But the folks who lie in wait to pounce on people for not spelling a word correctly. They do it just to show off. Show us how much more knowledgeable they are and by implication how much smarter they are. I am sure you are aware that the ability to spell correctly has ZERO to do with intelligence are you not? I worked in a research lab for a few years with genius research scientists. They created and investigated and tested and wrote down the results. I edited what they wrote and made it into a "proper" form.  So while I appreciate your suggestion and am certain it is made with the utmost sincerity I am going to continue on as I have been. No disrespect intended.  If how I express myself causes you to think I am incompetent and unintelligent I shall not disabuse you of that view. Frankly m'dear I don't give a dam*! Once again, no disrespect intended of course.  Due to the positioning of DaydreambelieverTrumpDisbeliever's response to you this is one of the people who "gets it" and doesn't let it stand in the way of providing me with thoughtful and informative answers. I thought you were one of them but I see you are not. No harm done. I've been wrong before.  Thank you for your response Merlin and Happy Thursday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 9, 2017 9:08 AM MST
      February 9, 2017 2:18 AM MST

  • 10026
    Good Morning RosieG~ I by no means meant any harm to you or to DaydreambelieverTrumpDisbeliever. My comment was on the English language and how it has been evolving.  It wasn't on your choice of words or how you promoted your question.  Shoot, I write as I talk.  Well, I write better than I talk. I have a lazy and slang mouth most of the time.  It was about the Language.  It has gone through many different changes as I'm sure you know.  Words have taken on different meanings.  Example "Gay."
    I am very sorry if I worded my post in a way you were offended and/or DaydreambelieverTrumpDisbeliever were hurt.  No harm was meant to you or to anyone.
    I felt all three of us were well on our way to a wonderful friendship.  I would like to continue on that path if you can forgive me for my obvious poorly worded post.  It is a personal problem.  Not anyone else.  Please forgive me for my inability to absorb some of the new slang.  I would like to continue respecting and learning each and every day, as I hope everyone does. 
    Friendships are hard to find and I would like to start again, if you will.  This is obviously my fault and I've hurt both of you inadvertently. It was not my intention at all.
      February 9, 2017 9:20 AM MST

  • I can't comprehend how the sibling property rules are so simple but my siblings still don't get it!
    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 9, 2017 1:02 PM MST
      February 8, 2017 3:00 PM MST

  • 10026
    We are cracking up!  That is hilarious!!!
      February 8, 2017 7:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    I LOVE this Corey! Seriously! It is awesome! I never saw it before so thank you very much for sharing it with us. Are you the author or do you know who is? Honestly it's one of the best answers I've ever received to any question I've ever asked! I'm gonna memorize it. I have a "baby" sister! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :):):):):) The extra happy faces are  'cause I'm extra happy! :)
      February 9, 2017 2:23 AM MST

  • I'm not sure who the author is. I found it while scrolling through my Facebook feed one day and burst out laughing, lol! Happy Thursday! :)
      February 9, 2017 4:16 PM MST

  • I can't get my head round or around the fact that Trump is STILL in office when he has been a total disaster so far.. I can't get my head around why or how you good people tolerate such an irredeemable idiot.

    I also can't get my head around how there can still be people who believe that stuff? I honestly ponder this daily...  I don't get it.. it should be a matter of see the facts, realise the truth, resolve the problem.. but that isn't happening cos people are insistent on believing utter tripe.. 
      February 8, 2017 3:21 PM MST

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Are you sure we aren't related somehow DdbTD? You express exactly what I feel and think. Every day The Donald does/says something more unpatriotic and anti-American than the day before and I guess the Republicans are scared sh**less of him and won't say a word. The Dems are furiously trying to figure out ways to slow him down or stop him but they can't do it alone.  I write emails to my sister regularly and we exchange shock and disbelief and fear all centered on The Donald! Honestly my friend I am terrified of this guy and what he seems to be able to do. His motives are not honorable. This we know. Someone somewhere somehow sometime HOPEFULLY will be the key to his unraveling! One can only hope. I think we the people in America must appear to be mindless brainless lemmings who are being led to our doom by an evil Pied Piper.  That's exactly what is happening.  Maybe (and I hope this is not true) the folks who elected The Donald opened Pandora's box and let loose all the evil and ills and there is no gathering them up and putting them back in the box. Fingers crossed. The thing is The Donald will affect the entire world adversely. You know this. He is like an octopus with tentacles trying to choke people everywhere. So condolences and apologies for America being the country that did this to the world. I didn't vote for him. More people didn't vote for him than did by almost 3 million. Yet he won. Try wrapping your head around that!  SIGH. Thank you for your reply DdbTD and Happy Thursday! :)
      February 9, 2017 2:35 AM MST

  • 2052
    Why he won't email me.  :  (
      February 8, 2017 3:24 PM MST

  • 113301
    I'm sure if you tweet him and compliment him lavishly he will add you to his list of Twitter tweeters. Make sure to focus on his hair and how big his hands are. They seems really important to him. Thank you for your reply Sunshine and Happy Thursday! He is a sap for compliments. The more you compliment him the more you will own him and have your way with him! Enjoy! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 9, 2017 7:46 AM MST
      February 9, 2017 2:41 AM MST

  • I can't wrap my head around how anyone can justify property tax on a person  who bought their home and it be taken away if they don't pay the government rent.
    I can't wrap my head around why cars need a licence plate that you are charged for but then have to get registration every year. It should be a one time fee and one or the other
    I can't wrap my head around having to renew and cough up $50 every few years for a new Licence or ID every few years.
      February 9, 2017 1:05 PM MST